6 Years Ago

334 9 0

"Hey Athena!" Marvel smiled.

He now stood 5 inches taller than me. And started to had a more broad build.

"Hey Marvel." I smiled back.

"You ready to spar today?" he asked.

"Depends, are you ready for me to beat you up, again?" I teased.

"Okay, you beat me once because I wasn't paying attention." He scoffed.

"Yeah because you were to busy checking out Glimmer!" I teased even more.

Glimmer was a beautiful girl, possibly the most beautiful girl in the district. She was the same age as me, and yet looked like a model. She was tall for her age, and had glowing emerald eye you could get lost in and long golden locks that were perfectly silky all the time. She was absolutely stunning.

I didn't blame Marvel for having a fascination with Glimmer, but with us being 11 and 12, crushes were a funny concept.

"Okay kids, can I have Marvel and Athena in the sparring center." Gloss asked.

Marvel stood up first offering a hand for me to grab. I declined to which i received a confused look.

"Gotta stay focused Marvel, right now you're my opponent in the arena, not my best friend. I'm fighting to stay alive." I smiled.

Marvel let out a groan as we grab our weapons of choice.

The weapons in the training center were made of a material were they didn't cause harm or inflict pain on people but were heavy like the real thing. Well, at least in our section of the center. Once you turn 14 you get to use the real weapons.

I grabbed a sword and Marvel grabbed a spear. Little did Marvel know, I also grabbed a knife and hid it in my waistband.

As we sparred he was starting to get an upper hand on me because of his height. But my height came in handy as I slid under him and "stabbed" him in the back with my sword. However, where I hit him wouldn't have killed him, so the fight continued.

We continued to wrestle around the sparring center and Marvel ended up kicking me to the ground and kicking my sword away from me. He was close to "killing" me when I grabbed my knife and "slit" his throat.

"Wow, and another win from Miss Stevens." Gloss clapped.

"Wha-" Marvel stood dumbfounded.

"Sorry Marvel, guess I'm just too good." I jokingly shrugged.

"I'll beat you one of these days." He laughed.

"Excuse me, Mr. Gloss, can I spar with my brother?" I asked Gloss before going back to my assigned place in the training center.

"Why? Your brother is 18 Athena, he uses the real weapons."

"Exactly, I wanna practice with him using the real weapons to make sure I didn't just get an easy win because Marvel is a meat head."

"I suppose, but just this one time." Gloss obliged.

I stayed in the sparring center waiting to see Apollo. He held a sword as well.

"Hey little sis."

"Hey Apollo."

"Oh no big brother comment?"

"Nope, to me you're a feeble boy from nine who can barely fight."

"Athena you're 12, calm down."

I smile, I'm getting in his head.

We start to spar and he immediately has a way better chance of winning this battle.

He has me in a chokehold, his sword against my throat. I kick him in the groin and grab my sword along with him.

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