The Interviews

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The idea of blushing at Cato made my stomach twist.  How on earth could I be attracted to such a horrible person.  I would literally be facing him in a death match in less than 24 hours.

Once all 24 tributes were in the building we were told to line up in a line back stage.  Me being the female tribute from district 1 meant my interview was the very first.

I straightened up as the interviewer, Caesar Flickerman was talking me up.

"Now let's see if Athena really does hold the attitude of her Grecian counterpart!" I hear him announce.

The capitol people clapped as I swallowed my fear and strutted on stage.

I felt my stomach drop when I saw how many people were here for me.

"Well look at our goddess!" Caesar clapped, gesturing to you.  You smiled and then waved to the caption people.

"Now Athena, you volunteered for a girl in your district, correct?" Caesar asked.

I nodded, "Why yes Caesar, I did.  Her name is Glimmer, and she's been my friend since I was a kid.  And with Marvel being in the games I couldn't risk losing two of my best friends."

The capitol cooed at my answer.

"Ah yes, and Marvel, tell me about your relationship with him!" Caesar asked.

"Well, we've been best friends since we were eight!" I explain.

"Anything more?" He nudges.

"No never, we've always been strictly plantonic!" I laugh.

"Now, Athena, I understand that your brother was in the games a few years back, how has that impacted you?"

I feel every part of my body tense up, and I'm sure everyone else noticed it too.

"Well," I clear my throat, "He had made a promise to me, that he would fight and try and come home.  I didn't leave the house during the games at all, and I watched his every move.  He was a smart and tough tribute, it's a shame how he passed.  His passing made me who I am today, a fighter.  Except I don't trust anyone now, he showed me you can't trust anyone."

The crowd had mixed reactions.  Gasps, cooes, silence, cheering, all of it.

"Why thank you Athena, I do believe however that our time is done for now." Caesar responds.

I stand up and give a courtesy.

"Give it up for the Capitol's goddess!" Caesar cheers as I leave the stage.  He announces Marvel but I don't listen.  A wave of fear and panic wave over me.  Why would he ask about my dead brother in front of a million people?

I quickly tried to hide my feelings when I over hear part of Marvel's interview.

"Well ever since I was a little kid I'd watch these games, and I would see someone kill someone else, and I just thought, that's me!"

I felt the vomit rise in my throat.  What was he doing?  He saw how much these games have ruined peoples lives, ruined my life, and now he's telling everyone that when watching those games he saw himself?  I storm off away from the screen.

Anger took over.  All I saw was a bright red.  My vision was blurry and red.  I felt my fists tighten into balls and heard my heels loudly click against the tile.

When Marvel finished his interview I didn't care to find him.  I watched Clobes's interview from one of the televisions scattered in the building.

"Well Im the best," she claims when Caesar compliments her knife wielding skills. "I could kill you clear across this stage."

I Wanna Be Yours- Cato HadleyWhere stories live. Discover now