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"Rise and shine shine my lovely goddess!" I hear Velvet chime.

I groan a bit and toddle around until I make my way out of bed.  I leave to the table and find everyone already sitting there per usual.

"Good morning Athena!" Marvel smiles.

"Good morning Marvel, what has you so excited?"

"I'm excited for the games and for the interview!" He smiles wider.

Apart of me winces, my stomach turning.  Excited for the games?  It's almost like he forgot how much emotional pain these games took on me.  Almost like he saw this as a way to get fame and fortune, and that's it.

I looked at him, disgust plastered on my face.  Without thinking I slapped Marvel across the face.  His smile dropped immediately.

"If you'll excuse me." I state coldly.

Gloss, Cashmere, Velvet, Tigris, Marvel, and his stylist all looked at me with concern as I stormed out of the room, slamming the door on my way out.

I left the building where all the tributes were staying and walked out to the courtyard.  Hit tears falling from my face.

It was just me out there.  No Marvel, no Velvet, no Cato, nobody.  I felt anger rising within me.  I chose to contain it, saving it for the games.  The capitol doesn't get to steal my brothers life and then plague my best friends mind.

I start to kick the stone fountain with my foot, letting out a pained scream.  Not because kicking the stone hurt my feet, but because the reality of my life was painful enough.

I ended up falling to my knees, tears still falling.

"Athena?" I hear a voice call.

"What?" I snap coldly.

"What's wrong?"

It was Cato.  Why was this random man I met four days ago asking me what's wrong?  We've talked on a few occasions and now he's asking me what's wrong?  I couldn't stand him.

"Why are you even asking?"

"Because I wanna make sure you're okay, god damn."

Ohhh no, he dos NOT get to disrespect me with that tone.

"Why do you even care?"

"Well because you're now one of my allies, I promised I'd take care of you."

"I don't need you to take fucking care of me Cato, I have everything under control." I shout, now standing up.

"Athena, you clearly don't."

"You don't have the right." I yell, getting closer to him.

"Oh please, without this ally, you'd be dead within minutes in the games." Cato scoffed.

I punched him.  I thought I would save the anger for the games, but in this moment Cato was pissing me off.

"I'd have you killed in the first minute of being at the cornucopia Hadley.  I agreed to the pack for Marvel.  I'm not a weak little damsel in distress that needs saving.  You're the only one who needs fucking saving!" I yell.



Cato stands dumbfounded and I push past him, nudging him a bit.  He grabs onto my arm and I stare at him, anger buzzing off of me.

"Get your hands off of me." I say slowly through gritted teeth.

He lets go, an odd look of guilt paints over his face.

I Wanna Be Yours- Cato HadleyWhere stories live. Discover now