Masquerade Part I

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"Easy. Grab the door Ali." Matt instructed.

"Got it." Ali spoke as she rushed forward to open the front door to the Gilbert house.

"Hey, stop fussing, I'm fine." Jenna spoke.

Matt was on her right while Jeremy stood on her other side both ushering her into the living room.

Elena lingered behind carrying her stuff.

"The doctors said that you have to take it easy." Elena spoke as Matt and Jeremy helped Jenna to the couch.

Alisha adjusted the throw pillows so that she could lie down properly.

"Yeah, you don't want to rip your stitches, hemorrhage and die, alright?" Jeremy spoke as he sat on the coffee table facing Jenna.

Jenna narrowed her eyes at him.

"Jer. That's kinda morbid, don't you think?" Alisha spoke with a roll of her eyes.

"Yeah," Jenna agreed, "besides, the only thing I'm gonna die from is embarrassment."

"No." Matt spoke up.

Jenna looked at him. "I walked into a knife. How does somebody do that?" She asked.

Alisha and Jeremy shared a look.

They all know that's not what had happened.

Jenna had actually been compelled by Katherine to stab herself.

Part of her evil vendetta against Stefan and Elena's relationship.

"It was a freak accident." Elena spoke.

"It happens." Jeremy added.

"Definitely." Alisha nodded.

"Yeah, I mean I've done it like twenty times at the Grill." Matt spoke.

Jenna laughed and then stopped when she winced in pain.

"Okay, I'm being nice." Matt spoke.

"Careful." Jeremy urged Jenna as he helped her lie down in a proper position.

"What should I do with this?" Matt asked lifting the grocery bag he had been holding.

"I got it." Elena spoke as she took the grocery bag away from him.

She then turned to go to the kitchen.

Jeremy and Alisha followed her while Matt stayed with Jenna.

"So what are we gonna do?" Jeremy asked leaning across the island looking at his sister.

Alisha did the same watching Elena curiously.

So far she hadn't heard anything. She knew the team must have been planning something.

"Make lunch." Elena answered as she unpacked the groceries one by one.

Jeremy and Alisha shared a confused look.

"No, about Katherine." Jeremy clarified.

"We're not gonna do anything, Jeremy." Elena spoke.

"She tried to kill Jenna. She attacked Ali. We can't let her get away with that." Jeremy spoke.

"She threatened me and everyone I care about." Alisha added.

Elena sighed.

"Yes we can. If it keeps us safe then we can."

"And what if she tries something else?" Jeremy asked.

Alisha was scared. If Katherine knew as much as she said she did, who knew who could be next.

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