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"Do we have to?" Sasha groaned as she slumped down in the passenger seat of her and Bonnie's car.

Bonnie pulled down the mirror and smeared some lip gloss on her lips.

"Yes Sasha. I know everything in you is telling you to stay in bed and be sad but you have to keep living your life. I'm not saying don't grieve... I'm just saying as much as it sucks, we can't act like we know about Mason."

Sasha quietly looked out the window at the school.

It's crazy how a year ago she was just some normal teenage girl fooling around in the halls, playing soccer and going to parties.

Now she was fighting vampires and losing people she loved.

That had to be illegal in terms of how quickly and drastically life could change.

"Do you still want me to come with you to the graveyard later?" Bonnie asked her sister softly.

Sasha could feel the map of Mason's grave weighing down in her pocket.

She had received it in the mail along with a note explaining what it was from Stefan.

She was definitely still mad at both of them but she couldn't hide her secret gratitude at the fact that Mason had actually been buried.

She hated that his family couldn't know where he was though. Her heart went out to Tyler.

His only uncle was gone just like that and the last thing he would remember was how angry he was at him.

"Any word from Ali?" Sasha suddenly asked.

Bonnie sighed and looked down at her phone.

"Left her like ten messages. I know we're supposed to be giving her more freedom and what not but she could at least respond to my messages." Bonnie huffed in frustration as she got out of the car.

Sasha reluctantly followed suit, slipping on her shades in the process.

"Relax, Elena said she was going to her house. She probably got caught up... in Jeremy."

"Oh my gosh." Bonnie's eyes widened as she walked beside her sister . "Do you think-"

Sasha shrugged. "Hey I don't think anything. To be honest I stopped getting my hopes up with those two. They're back and forths are so..."

"I get it." Bonnie agreed with Sasha. "Their 'will they won't they' can be exhausting."

The twins knew Ali and Jeremy were best friends but they always confused all of them with their back and forth stuff.

"They're not a couple but they look at each other like they want to rip each other's clothes off." Sasha muttered.

Bonnie giggled. "Sometimes Jeremy just stares and I don't know whether to feel bad or..."

Bonnie paused when she saw that Sasha had stopped in the hallway.

She was looking at the 'missing posters' of Aimee Bradley.

Her eyes then drifted to a locker not too far away where people had set up a picture of Sarah and lit some candles around it.

She gripped her bag as she looked at Tyler not too far away as he walked to his locker.

Sasha sucked in a deep breath.

"I'm gonna go talk to him."

Bonnie frowned. "Sash, he's still mad and according to Caroline he activated the curse last night."

Caroline had explained to them that while they were occupied with her, she had a contingency plan to get another wolf.

She had apparently compelled Matt to go after Tyler until he was killed.

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