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It was almost midnight but Rana sa hasn't came yet maa told me it was normal for him to be late but still i was little worried.

I felt someone shaking me opening my eyes with a jerk i saw Rana sa towering over me i checked the watch on the wall which shows it was almost one in the morning. I would have slept waiting for him hope so no workers saw me here.
"why are you sleeping here" he said frowning "i was waiting for you" i said slowly starring on the ground.

I looked up only to see Rana sa waking toward the stairs i got up quickly and started following him like a lost puppy.

We reached our wing and kaka greated us on the door "Brijesh you can leave now" rana said coldly nodding at him kaka left. Getting inside with him i saw he kept his bag on the coffee table and settled down on the couch i went in the kitchen to fetch water for him.

"Rana sa please go and get fresh up I'll heat the food" i said he looked me up and down i was still in my dress i shuddered under his gaze a little.

"Did you had your dinner" he asked me coldly shaking my head as no i saw him glare at me. He got up and went in the bedroom. Walking back in the kitchen i placed the food in the microwave to heat and kept it on the dinning table waiting for him.

After a while he came back wearing a sweat pant and a vest settling down i served him and myself little food. We ate in a complete silence the only sound made was out plates clattering. While eating i remembered the how i feed him in office there was a small smile on my face.

I was almost done by my dinner when Rana sa spoke.

"Tomorrow we have to attend a cultural event" saying this he left.

Keeping the plates in sink i cleaned the table and washed them, switching off the lights i went to the bedroom and saw him on the bed with his laptop sometimes i wonder did he married me or the laptop.

I went in the closet and changed into a plain loose kurti and plazoo, washing my face i came out.
Sitting on the couch.

"At what time we will be going there ?" i asked if i had any meeting i have to cancel it.

"7.30" was all he said. Nodding at him i went in the balcony with my phone and iPad and settled on the swing.

Dailing sam number i placed it on my ears and opened my iPad and look over the mails i got.

"Sam sorry to wake u up this late do i have any meeting in evening?" i asked as soon as she picked.

"Yes the annual general meeting at five" she said.

"Okay reschedule it day after tomorrow the first thing in morning i have to attend a event" i told her.

"Will do ma'am anything else" she asked.

"No that's it for now if there is anything else I'll let you know in morning, the meeting in morning is confirmed?" i asked. "Yes it is"

"Ok good night" i said and cut the call when i heard her replying me back.

I got back inside i saw rana sa were still working i took my blanket and pillows i slept because i had a long day ahead.

Next morning>>>>>>>>

It was almost seven when i got up, taking shower i changed into my work attire. Heading downstairs i greeted everyone and took the elders blessings the dinning table was lively until the devil himself came.

After having breakfast everyone left for there respective works. I informed maa about the evening event before leaving.

Parking my car in basement i went in my office sitting on my chair with a coffee Sam got me i started my work.

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