He will wake up

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They are lucky...those who see the ones they loved in their dreams even after they are gone...
They are actually the luckiest people in this world....


Sometimes I think... Was it a mistake that I left the band...?
I worked hard to reach where I am today... I did not lose my convictions and continued to work and persevere until I succeeded and created my own company...
I struggled and made my independent name after I graduated from the university that adopted me for more than seven years...Astro University....
But even so, I'm still not satisfied with myself...

I get great support from Arohas... as if I had not separated from the band, and that helps me move forward and not give in to the negative thoughts that I started having three months ago...

I went to see him this morning...
ah...his condition is stable but he is not improving...

I met Jinwoo hyung when I left, and I waited for him .
we walked together and he was unusually calm.  We sat in a coffee shop near the hospital, and I told him about the approaching opening of the company. He was happy about that and promised me that he would come with the others to congratulate me . Myungjun hyung will be released from military service soon and it will be appropriate for Sanha as well, which excited me and encouraged me a little bit...

We talked a lot. It had been a while since we last sat like this, due to my busyness and his new work program. He would soon start presenting on radio:

Ebsfmkorean let's learn Korean

Ebsfmkorean let's learn Korean

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- did you improved a little?

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- did you improved a little?

Hyung said as he moved the spoon after adding sugar to his coffee

- I wasn't sick to do... I said with a bit of a laugh.

- You haven't been well since Moonbin incident... You have become a little strang . Your energy and radiance that you used to have has disappeared.

- Haven't we all changed?  Didn't you notice Eunwoo hyung?  Didn't you pay attention to yourself too?

- Yes, I noticed.... it is impossible not to change, but we live with the situation.

- And I get along like that, but I miss him and I haven't been able to get used to his absence yet... I haven't gotten over it completely... and my thoughts are confused about what happened to him...

- I know...we all miss having him by our side, Rocky...and as for what happened...there is no need to feel remorse...it wasn't your fault, my friend...

I was having difficulty holding back my tears at that moment...
Yes, it wasn't my fault, but... but if I had made that call longer, I could have prevented what happened... I might have been able to arrive in time to help him...

He called me that night to check on my affairs and make sure that work was going well...but I was busy and had to make an important call, so I asked him to wait a little while and I would call him back after I finished. He laughed and called me Rocky the businessman, then he hung up...  .

That was the last time I heard his voice, the last time I heard his laugh....

- Rocky... It's okay... Everyone is sure he will wake up one day... Don't you remember how excited he was to see you take the stage announcing the opening of One Fine Day... Work hard for it...

Jin Jin Hyung's words awakened something inside me... and a strange enthusiasm suddenly filled me... so I raised my head with hope and smiled at him, saying:

- Yes, I have to work harder so that he won't be disappointed in me...

Hyung smiled at me and then said:

- This is our Rocky... Always stay like this, understood.

- okay , you too don't break your promise and brought everyone to the party , deal...

- Of course we won't miss it... There will be food, right? Otherwise, MJ... Haha... You know he won't accept the invitation...

I burst out laughing after his last sentence and he joined me immediately...

I returned home with a relaxed feeling and slept well that night... I also woke up happy the next morning because I saw Moonbin in my dreams for the second time... He said words to me that comforted me more and answered many unknown questions that I couldn't find answers to in reality...

So...I will always pray to see him again until he wakes up and I can make him listen to my new song that he has been wanting to listen to for a while....



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To Be Continued...

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