Thank you

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:...I just wanted to thank my friend who gave me and the band so much love and encouragement...
Bin, thanks for everything...we will never forget you. Please be well there...

These were the words he was able to get out from between his sobs and tears while his companions tried to console him...


It's the first time I've received an award without him by my side...
He would come running to hug me and congratulate me with a happy smile on his face...

Oh my God... my heart is burning like hell... why do we have to face all this... why does life always punish the wrong people...

Bin never did anything bad... he never hurt anyone since I knew him...

I now regret every moment we lived together that we will not be able to repeat in the future... I regret every time he wanted us to go out to have fun and I was not able to accompany him...

The plane will take off from Japan in a quarter of an hour...
I will rush to him as soon as I arrive to tell him what happened at the party there...

We arrived at noon... the weather was beautiful... I quickly changed my clothes and got into the car to go to the monument designated for him , but I was stopped by the phone ringing...

...: Seungwan Shi... Good evening.... Eunwoo is talking to you .

I was surprised by his sudden call, but I responded with a smile:

-Hello Eunwoo hyung, how are you?

- Fine... I heard that you came back a little while ago. If you are not busy... May I meet you...

- Actually, I was on my way to Ben. Is it important?

- It's about him... Come on, there's something you should know... I'll send you the address, okay...

- okay , see you

I disconnected the line and I felt my heart contracting...

What is he going to tell me about , and how does it relate to bin ...

I felt a little worried as I was driving towards the address...why he wanted to meet me at the it possible that Eunwoo hyung is injured?

I felt relieved when I saw him waiting for me by the door... We went down to the café and sat at one of the tables...

- what do you drink ?

He said with a smile, and I don't know why I became more nervous then...

- Orange juice

I answered him and he got up and came back a few minutes later with juice for me and iced tea for himself... He sat down and sipped a little from his cup, then added:

- Sorry to bother you... You must be tired from traveling.

- No, not at all... On the contrary, I am happy to meet you, hyung... But... Why are we in the hospital... You are fine, aren't you... What about the members?

He smiled again and said:

- Don't worry, everyone is fine... the thing is... I don't know how to open this topic with you...

- You told me it was about Bin... Is there something I should know... Did he leave something to me?

- In fact, Moonbin didn't suffer a heart attack...
Someone tried to kill him...

I did not understand his words for a moment... How could something like this happen... My limbs went numb from the shock and I sipped that juice to relieve the pain tearing through my insides as I came to grips with the situation...

Moonbin's last breath ( English version)Where stories live. Discover now