The truth

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He was sitting on the sofa in the middle of the dark room, deep in thought...
Time passes slowly, only to increase our torment...
He sighed deeply as he looked at the last photo of them together on his phone...


I was thankful that a part of my prayers had been fulfilled....

In fact, I was kind of sure he wouldn't leave like that...

They asked him before in one of the episodes of V LIVE what he would do if he knew that he would die the next day... and he answered that he would say goodbye to his family and friends first, and spend his last day with them, then he would sleep peacefully like every night.

But he didn't...what made me certain that he is still alive...or at least that he didn't end his life himself as everyone expected when the news of his passing spread...except for some Arohas who knew him well...

It is impossible for bin to harm himself....
He's not that kind of person...

Yes, he may have had fears... Maybe he really went through a hard time but he's not a weak person to leave everything behind and go...

He was planning to live for more than ten years... He was sure that he would be happy in the future as well...

The press stated that the reason was due to health problems... and that statement was closer to the truth because he had actually been suffering recently...

He is not primarily a heart patient, but his heart has weakened in the last two years and he has had to take some medications from time to time if things get serious...

But he was fine most of the time, and he only had to avoid reaching extreme states of exhaustion so as not to suffer a seizure. He had also been training normally with Sanha for the last period, and there was no deterioration in his health...

His manager said that he found him lying on the ground, his head bleeding severely...

Oh just thinking about it tears me up inside...

His pulse was faint and it seemed as if he had been dead for a while...

But suddenly he opened his eyes in pain and pointed to the medicine battle that was lying next to the bed. The director quickly handed him two pills with some water...

He swallowed it and fainted again...

He has been sleeping since the incident until now... he has not moved at all... not even for a moment...

The doctor said that he suffered a strong blow to the head, so he fell into a coma, and no one knows when he will wake up from it....

His body was full of bruises and scratches, but they have healed now... naturally !  It's been eight months already...

  No one knows how, why, or who did this to him. He is the only one who has the answers to these questions...

Because whoever did this was completely certain of his success, the company published the news of Bin’s death to protect him until they caught the person who brought him to this state, and whose life I will end if he appears in front of me before the police imprison him...

There will be consequences for spreading fake news like this, of course, but Moonbin's safety is far more important than those consequences...

And if this nightmare ends and everyone learns the truth about what happened, I am sure that they will accept the matter and stand by Bin until the end...

I deal with my grief well... I try not to stop my life at the first obstacle... He will get better and we will go back to how we used to be together...

I already passed that difficult stage months ago, and I hope Bin can resist to come back to us again...



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He slowly opened his eyes to be met with this light that he was not accustomed to...

At least not in this world...

He gently rubbed his eyes and looked around, exploring the new prison he had moved to...

That lake that used to scare him has disappeared...

The last thing he remembers is that he found something while he was looking under that tree....

Something like the missing piece of the puzzle...

And he continued his search for a place for it while searching for the tree’s trunk and branches...

Until he found an inscription of the same shape and brought that piece close to him...

The last thing he saw was a strong flash that knocked him unconscious...

To Be Continued...

Moonbin's last breath ( English version)Where stories live. Discover now