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My angel everything will be fine don't cry...
Let's fly together to light this dark world...
Let you be the moon and I am the star that never leaves you...


I don't want to leave this warmth...
I don't want to open my eyes...
I don't want to feel cold Again...

it was a long way to find this place that hugged me until I became a part of it... until I became terrified of just thinking about leaving it...

It's fear of the unknown, isn't it?
In situations like this you will avoid moving so that you don't feel pain...

I haven't tried to get out since that time...
I woke up then wrapped in a blanket on my bed and later learned that it was Eunwoo Hyung who found me lying in front of the door and entered me...

I realized after a long thought... I am safe as long as I am here inside , and as long as that stone is away from the I put it in a box and hid it in the attic , forgetting it forever this time , as I refrained from going out and I was satisfied with drowning in my memories and among the people I feel safe with them...

taking a step forward was totally out of my mind... I didn't even seem to need it because I was so happy and comfortable here...

I had this idea in my head for a long time...
I didn't want to move in any way... although some annoying nightmares got addicted whenever I close my eyes, I didn't give up and insisted on clinging to what's left here...
no matter how little it is... it's better than nothing...

I was immersed in my thoughts when I felt someone sitting next to me and he was only Jin Jin Hyung in the end...

I smiled at him but his features didn't change, and he seemed somewhat annoyed...

- Are you okay?

- Ah, yeah, I'm fine... it's... I want to tell you something...

- Well... then tell me...

- Binni... we... we're going soon... I mean we'll leave the place...

- What?... How? .... I mean why are you going to do that... isn't this our home? Will you give up on me?

I said in clear horror... looking for my suddenly lost words...

- calm down little boy... You're the one who knows that we don't belong here, not even you belong... and we won't give up on you... It's impossible to do... we will take you with us of course but that depends you have to... do you want to go?

- Hyung... I don't know... Where are we going and how we're going... I don't want to risk losing what I have right now... I'm not ready for that...

- But if you want to survive, you have to risk Binni , you know that well...

- What if I risk and things get worse.. How will I live with this pain again?
Tell me!!!... I was suffering on my own until you came and lit my soul again... I don't want to let you go simply like this...

- Everything you feel right now is just an illusion...
your fear restricts you...
You think this is a dream, don't you ?

All those beautiful things... We... Our Memories...are really nothing but another nightmare that prevents you from being liberated...

Didn't you miss us?
Didn't you miss a world where people other than us care about you?
Don't you really see the need to stop locking yourself in this nowhere?

I didn't realize when my tears started falling...
I just can't...
It may be a nightmare, but it's the most beautiful nightmare I ever get...

- Don't do this to yourself...
Don't resist your desire to wake up again without being terrified of not being around you...
You know that What's happening here is just a simulation of your old memories..

Moonbin's last breath ( English version)Where stories live. Discover now