Broken soul

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Sometimes a person has to be alone in order to know his position in this life and where he should go...


I don't know how long I've been like this...

It suddenly seems impossible...
This loneliness...this despair that prevents me from standing up again...extinguishes the faintest flames of hope in me...

I was happy to have broken that closed circle...
Glad I won't drown again in that dark lake...
very happy because I saw the light that showed me the hidden footprints that I must follow to reach my exit from this place...

I was so happy with the progress I had made that I didn't realize that the road I was on had no end in the first place!'s just the same thing over and over if it's a maze with no way out...

Now, as usual, I decide to give up...
I'm lying under one of the cherry blossom trees...

In fact, the view here is not that bad...

The road is beautiful and cherry trees adorn both sides of it to infinity...
And there is a sky too... A sky so clear that staring at it causes boredom...
It would have looked better with some clouds or maybe stars...

In addition to this beautiful view... there is also that deadly silence that makes you hear the sound of your turbulent breathing and counting it, and that desolate serenity that sometimes drives you crazy...
And without even feeling...

It can be said that it is the worst place for someone to live will probably happen to me...

Well... I'm counting my breaths now, waiting for other flashes to come to me...

Oh...those flashes I didn't talk about before..
It's actually their voices...

A while ago... I think a little while before I moved here... some strange voices started echoing inside my head...

That scared me at first, as they were just short clips and incomprehensible to me...

However, it gradually began to become clear until I fully realized its owners...

The first voice I recognized mother's voice...

I remember I completely broke down at that time...

While I was tied up in a place I didn't know, my mother was crying and I just couldn't hug her or wipe away her tears...

She was asking me to wake up and come back to her... She was saying... She was saying that she would hide me in her arms forever if I opened my eyes again and that she would protect me and would not allow anyone to harm me...

And all I did was cry and cry while I was thrown into a piece of the unknown, not knowing my fate or even how I ended up far from my world... my family and my friends...

I thought it was just a dream at first... a strange dream... or rather a nightmare... and that I would wake up from it sooner or later...

But I realized after hearing my mother's voice that I was wrong in my belief...and that waking up would not be that easy...

The flashes continued for a while and I got some answers every time...

Listening to their voices gave me a feeling I had never experienced before... wasn't just a feeling actually...
It was so much more than that...

Something...I don't know...a painting maybe...
A living painting that combined all the colors of dark and bright feelings at its peak and rose to hang on the walls of my heart, which was exhausted by my vain tears...

Moonbin's last breath ( English version)Where stories live. Discover now