Don't give up

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A cheerful voice interrupted that deadly silence after the room door opened in a dramatic way...

-The adorable hyung is back!!!

He said boastfully, surprising who was sitting on the sofa like a corpse...

- Oh my God, you scared me, little kid ! What's all this negative energy around you? Why don't you open the curtains?? The service here is really bad!!

-Hyung, please lower your voice, you will annoy him.

- What ? Are you ordering your hyung... You've grown up, boy... I doubt it's you who's bothering him here... Didn't any of you notice that the room needs lighting... Really, you careless people...

He finished his speech and went to the window to remove the curtains and light up the room well...

- Ah, that's better... Binni , they don't take good care of you, but don't worry, I'm back now, and you won't even need them...

Eunwoo smiled at his words and added:

- Were you finally released?

- Yes... and it seems that no one here liked the matter... At least I have passed this stage . I will make fun of you well when you are recruited...

MJ said provocatively, and Eunwoo burst out laughing and stood up to hug him, saying:

- You will never change... Welcome back, hyung... Glad you are here... Really...

- Are you going to cry now... Oh, I made an effort to make you laugh... Please don't spoil it...

He said cheerfully, making Eunwoo smile again

- Oh... sorry... I just haven't felt happy for a while...

- It's okay. I'll treat you in three days. Don't worry... Don't you have a shooting today?

- Yes... but in the evening... yesterday I recorded the wedding song and Sanha t came to bother me after I finished...

- The mathematics professor with the beautiful voice... What is this strange contradiction? You're supposed to be tough and scary...but you know what? Sanha has a point.. if you had played the piano it would have been nicer.

- Ah hyung!! You do exactly the same. Did you and that little boy agree to bother me?

- No, but it's fun... You make a funny face when you get upset...

- Oh, stop it... He told me that he was going to meet you, but I couldn't accompany him. My work schedule was busy.

- I know that... We actually met a few days ago... Jin Jin told me that he left you here, so I wanted to surprise you and Moonbin with my presence.

- I'm relieved that you weren't upset...

- If you don't stop talking, I'll be really upset! Anyway, I saved some cake for you... so that you don't feel jealous when you watch the welcome live video that I filmed with the little rabbit and the talkative mouse... Here you go.

He said and handed him a medium sized box

- Thank you, hyung... I will leave you with him for a while. I have to make an important call.

- Finally, he will get rid of you. You made him bored while you were just sitting...

Eunwoo smiled and left the room, using the call as an excuse to allow the eldest to have private time with Bin.

MJ sat on the chair next to the bed and ran his hand through the hair of the deeply sleeping Moonbin
And he smiled faintly...

Moonbin's last breath ( English version)Where stories live. Discover now