The end

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Fly high and spread your wings amidst the winds in the sky...

Fly towards your dream...

Just fly high and don't give up...


I opened my eyes and let that bright light seep through my eyelids...

Everything was not clear until I closed it and opened it again, to be met by the white ceiling of the room...

I heard the sound of something hitting the ground and I turned my head to see a young girl wearing a medical uniform staring at me in shock after she dropped the notebook she was carrying...

I noticed some tears in her eyes, so I smiled reassuringly...
She wiped them away quickly While picking up her things saying:

- Finally, Mr. Moon... We have waited for this day for three years... We have missed you...

- Three years ?

I asked in disbelief...time was passing quickly while I was asleep...

- Yes... but you woke up in the end... It's a miracle, you haven't shown any reaction for two years...

- really ? I said and my throat suddenly felt dry

- Oh my God... I'm sorry!! You just regained consciousness... I had to call the chief doctor and tell your family...

She said in confusion as she adjusted my bed to a position that would allow me to drink the cup of water she had poured...

I felt better when I finished the cup and added:

-Aren't you a doctor?

- I...well not that long ago...I was a trainee when I started taking care of you...and before that I was a fan of the band...for seven years...

She answered with obvious shyness, which made me smile immediately because I expected the same when she said, "We missed you."

She smiled too, then remembered that she had to call the others, so she ran outside apologetically...

I felt a tightening in my jaw muscles... I smiled after three years of frowning... This makes sense...

I was busy trying to move my stiff body after the doctor left... I could barely move my limbs...

He said that I need rehabilitation exercises for a while and that I will return to normal after that because I responded well to the examination he did...

The door opened again and my mother and sister appeared in front of me sua was clinging to her like a child...

They stood there for a few moments as if they were having a dream, and this was normal given what they had been through...

- Won't I get a hug?

I asked, smiling, with tears on my cheeks as they witnessed them running to me and suffocating me in a tight embrace, and their tears did not stop falling...

It took us a few minutes to calm down and each of them sat on one side of my bed...

My mother was passing her hand over my face tenderly, as she used to do, and Sua was holding my hand tightly as if I was going to run away from her... while her other hand was combing the strands of my hair which had grown long and covered my neck completely from behind...

She hates me messing with her hair, but she's doing this to me now...

My father joined us and I was so happy to see him...

Moonbin's last breath ( English version)Where stories live. Discover now