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I don't know what this is exactly...
But I'm sure you'll come back one day...

- Is everything okay now... Are you sure he's better?

Jinwoo asked worriedly as he spoke to Sua on the phone after he knew about the seizure that Bin had suffered two days ago...

- Yes oppa , don't worry... the doctor said he's responding somewhat... maybe he'll be back soon...

- Well...that's good I think...Sanha and I will come back this evening and we'll stop by to check on him...See you later...

- See you... She said and then hung up...

- We have arrived...

Jinwoo added when the car stopped in front of the airport, but he didn't receive a response or movement from the person sitting next to him, who was deeply immersed in his thoughts...

- Sanha, are you okay? we have arrived...

The youngest noticed and opened the door to exit in confusion after adjusting his hat...

He was quiet on the plane which worried the elder and made him ask him:

- Sanha...what's on your mind...Binni is fine, don't overthink...

- I don't really know...I just miss him...a lot...it hurts so much...I can't live without him...this thin thread of hope that I'm clinging to... I'm afraid it will be cut off soon...I'm not ready to face the future...I'm scared hyung... that's all...

- I wish you didn't carry all this inside you... I'm here for you Sanha... You can release everything that weighs on you my dear...

Jinjin said, patting him on the shoulder affectionately...

- I appreciate that, hyung... I'm strong because you're by my side basically...
You know what ? On the anniversary of our debut... when you were far away from me, I felt lonely... I wished I was with you at that moment... I wished I could go back to the past when the six of us were together...

Hyung... The pain of Binni and Rocky's departure... All of this weakens me, and no matter how much I try to convince myself that I have overcome the matter, I find myself floundering again in the midst of a terrible unrelenting pain...

- My dear, you are burning my heart... Don't do this to yourself... Look to the future and trust that everything will get better...

- Who are you lying to hyung? Nothing improves... How long has it been so far... The year will be over in a month... Has anything improved? Tell me !! Binni Hyung is still bedridden and we almost lost him two days ago and they haven't found the perpetrator yet!!! How will the situation get better? Answer me...

Sanha said emotionally but in a broken tone while fighting his tears so that they wouldn't fall...

Jinwoo's sadness increased because the younger was right in what he said...
He tried to ease him a little by changing the subject, but he did not even succeed in that... so he preferred to remain silent so as not to make the matter worse...

The situation continued for a few minutes until Sanha added regretfully:

- I'm sorry, hyung... I'm confused, don't be sad about what I say... I promise I will try to be strong...

Jinwoo smiled comfortably and said:

- I know that... it's okay my dear.... It's difficult for everyone, but we have to stick together, okay...

- Well...what were you saying a moment ago...

- I was trying to get your opinion about MJ's gift...his birthday is in a few days...

Moonbin's last breath ( English version)Where stories live. Discover now