Dr. Terminus

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In town, a man on the roof is looking through his telescope and saw a wagon vehicle with two men in it.

Man: Doc Terminus is comin'!

Everyone ran and got out of the way. At the wagon, a man named Doctor Terminus is talking to his assistant, Hoagy.

Terminus: Are they still after us?

Hoagy: We lost 'em.

Terminus: Good.

Hoagy: Gotham City ahead, ahoy!

Terminus: What?

Hoagy: Gotham City ahead, ahoy!

Terminus: Oh, no.

Hoagy: Oh, yes.

Man: All hands on deck! Here comes the Doc!

The people clamored and ran out of the way. The wagon hits the man's fence and destroyed it. They screamed.

Terminus: Slow down!

Man: My fence!

The wagon heads towards the cement man.

Cement Man: WET! WET! It's still wet!

The wagon carries the cement man and he fell.

Terminus: Throw out the anchor!

Hoagy throws out the anchor and it got the stairs of City Hall. Mayor Linseed opens the door.

Linseed: Since we all concur, gentlemen, I suggest that we adjourn. (He fell down in the ground) When did I start losing control of my town!

The wagon stops and Doctor Terminus and Hoagy fly off the wagon and landed on the net. The wagon sets up by itself.

Terminus: You dummy!

Hoagy: You told me to drop the anchor, I dropped the anchor. Watch Bones.

Terminus: Get him off of me! Get him off! I think they remember us.

They got off the net and they looked at the citizens who are glaring at them.

Hoagy: Uh-oh. I think I remember them.

Terminus: Just act normal.

Hoagy: I am acting normal. I'm ready to run.

Terminus: Quick, what's the name of this city again?

Hoagy: Gotham City.

Terminus: "Gotham" what?

Hoagy: Gotham City!

Terminus: Got it. How wonderful to see your smiling faces again! All of you!Why I've never known such warmth, such welcoming, such loving hospitality.

They walk towards them. Terminus got on the stage.

Man: Get out ya quack!

Man 2: And don't bring those phony remedies here again.

Woman: Go out back where you belong: Jail!

Citizens: Boo!

Terminus: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I sense enthusiasm; I sense loving response! And that's why I feel that this is my home away from home! (He takes his cover jacket) (singing) I've been bringing cures
From Pilgrim Heights to Province Town
Treated rabid fever
Down on Queen Anne Road
Gout or gastritus
Mumps or bronchitis
Bites and burns, blue abrasions
Got a pill for all occassions
Little Sipperwhissit
Was so nice to visit
And Londinium's
Lovely to recall

Man: Why didn't you stay there!?

They agree with him.

Terminus: But through all my trips
Good Lord, there's one place
One call for now
One town on my lips
Why it's....
Gotham village, uh...
Gothic city, no no...
Goth City, uh....
Gotham Drive
Uh, Gothammaquoddy
Uh, Gotham Town
Oh, I know
It's City of Gotham

Townsfolk: NO! It's Gotham City!

Terminus: Of course. That's what I meant to say.

Woman: I took your drug for losing weight
And now I'm a blob!

Terminus: But now that there's so much more of you to love!
I wiped out impetigo on the banks of Buttermilk
Flu is under firm control in Powderhole
Terminus potions, tablets and lotions
Major news in modern science
Step up now and join my clients
Spent the day in Buzzard's Bay
They couldn't keep me there
Even turned away from Kingdom Hall

Citizens: They probably threw you out!

Terminus: *nervous laugh* They probably threw...

Man: My hair was grey
And thanks to you
It turned into pink

Charming: But that color
It's so becoming

The man grunts angrily.

Citizens: We're gonna wash
Your phony tonics
Right down the sink

They are about to strike at him.

Terminus: Wait, listen, my specialties are Audiology, Mycology, Sarology, Teritology, Embryology, Psychology, Zoology, And every other "ology" you can think of. My friends. You're not giving me a chance. I brought all of these medicines back from Paris, France.

They oh with his new medicine. A disguise Hoagy as an old woman walks up to the stage.

Hoagy: (Disguised voice) Oh, doctor. Oh, doctor. Doctor, doctor, help me.

Terminus: I hear someone calling me. Someone in need. A fellow lady. Calling out to a great fellow lady. For service. Only I can provide Madame, Dr. Terminus is here to cure you.

Pumpkin: Eh?

Terminus: What's your problem lady?

Hoagy: Eh?

Terminus: How could I turn my back to such a dear woman? It's like humanity in me.

He pulls out a medicine bottle and pours it into Hoagy's ear by pouring it into the ear pipe he's holding.

Hoagy: I hear.... birds chirping.... I hear children giggling. (A girl just sticks her tongue out) (Hoagy  sticks his tongue out back at her) I hear... coins jingling...

Terminus: That'll be 1$, madame. The 50 cents is on me.

He takes a dollar from her.

Hoagy: Oh, bless you, doctor. I can hear. I can hear.

He walks off stage and hides behind where he begins to put on a new disguise.

Terminus: My medicine cured her folks! Did you hear her bless me? Well I bless her too! How wonderful I feel in my heart! Aniswack and Aliponse. Shame be he who thinks he'd loved it. And that's what the medical business is all about folks. People, land and sea, helping people, land and sea. You should all have help (Hoagy, disguised as an old man in crunches walks on the stage) Gadzooks! What have we here?

Hoagy: (new disguised voice) Oh, doctor, doctor, doctor. All I'm asking for is a miracle.

Charming: All he wants is a miracle, folks. How can I deny him? If, he's willing to pay for it, he's gonna get it.

Hoagy: Any price.

Terminus: 1$, sir.

He takes a dollar from him and pulls out a different medicine bottle. He pours the liquid down his throat. He drops the crutches and starts to dance off the stage

Woman: I trust him!

Woman 2: I believe in the doc!

Man: I put my life in his hands!

Terminus: My friends, you've seen a miracle
And you'll see many more
People will come pouring in
From land and sea
We'll have centers for testing
Let's start investing
Keep those dimes and dollars mounting
I'll do the counting
Everyone who lives here
Will be strong and healthy
You'll getting richer
By the day

Citizens: Yay!

Terminus: Hear them acclaim us
This town will be famous
The whole wide world will look at us
And say
Alison Bay, no, Addison Bay, no no, Hudson Bay,
Uh, Arkham Asylum Bay,  Georgia Bay
Gotham Bay,
Vandura Bay, Turnaway Bay, Tussle Bay, Vinnie Bay,
Venture Bay, Addianna Bay, ha ha ha ha

Hoagy: *whispers* Gotham City.

Citizens: Gotham City!

Terminus: I know.

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