Selina Meets Dick

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Out of the tavern, Selina is taking Alfred home to their lighthouse mansion. Alfred is shouting nonsense to Selina. In his room, Selina is putting Alfred to bed.

Selina: Why don't you just calm down?

Alfred: I seen his face. If you wanna call it a face. It was this close to me.

Selina: Why don't you lie down, Alfred? Come on.

Alfred: You know what else? It started to smile at me.

Selina: Well, did you smile back?

Alfred: I didn't have time to smile. I was too busy running. And you know... And you know what else? There was this boy with it. And he wasn't afraid. This boy...

Selina: Lie down.

Alfred lay down in his bed and sleep. Outside of the lighthouse mansion, Selina is looking at ocean in the horizon. She sees Dick running towards a cave. She follows him. At the cave, Dick sits down at a rock and sees Elliott, which Dick is mad at him. Elliott tries to cheer and cuddle him but Dick ignores him.

Dick: We're in a lot of trouble, and it's all your fault. (Elliott uses a stick to draw a tic-tac-toe on his stomach. He hands Dick the stick.) I don't wanna play. (Elliot draws on and plays with himself.) You did everything wrong in Gotham City. Now everybody hates us. I don't know whether you're good for me or bad. (Elliot sniffles.) I'm sorry, Elliott. I didn't really mean that. It's just I don't know what to do, and I'm scared.

Elliott sees a tear falling on Dick's face. He hands him the stick. Selina's voice was heard.

Selina: Hello in there!

Dick: Get back!

Elliott hides and sees Selina enters the cave.

Selina: Hi. What are you doing here?

Dick: Oh, just playing tic-tac-toe.

Selina: This isn't exactly the best place for tic-tac-toe. The tide's coming in. High water reaches this cave sometimes. You better head for home. You're not from Gotham City, are you?

Dick: Nope. Just sort of... traveling.

Selina: Where are your parents? Where are you staying? What's your name?

Dick: Dick.

Selina: I'm Selina, and I have to get back on watch, up in the lighthouse. There's chowder on the stove, if you'd like some. (She puts out her hand but Dick cowers.) Wh-What's the matter?
It's a hand, not a shark. You can finish that chowder... if you'd like.

Dick holds Selina's hand and they went out of the cave.

Dick: Oh, I forgot something. Be right back. (He ran back to Elliott.) I forgive you, Elliott. (He smiles and draws a line on the x's on Elliott's stomach and they laughed. Dick is about to walk off.) Stay here till I see what it's like up in the lighthouse.

Dick ran off to Selina.

Elliot: Woo-woo-woo-woo!

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