I Saw A Dragon

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A English man named Alfred came out of the tavern. He got on his bike and drunkenly ride it.

Alfred: Scallops. And some oysters. And... (he sees Dick) Oh, hello there, little boy.

Dick: Hi.

Elliott sniffs out Alfred.

Alfred: Hi. Hey! Hey, you look terrible. (Elliot babbles) (to Dick) Hey, your friend's turned green. (Elliott babbles) If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was a dragon. A drag-drag... (Elliott growls at him) Dragon!

Alfred ran off.

Dick: Elliott, didn't I tell you that...

Elliott turns invisible. In the tavern, Alfred is shouting out nonsense to the drunken men.

Alfred: Oh, gentlemen. (singing) A dragon, a dragon,
I swear I saw a dragon,
A green and seething,
Fire-breathing monstrous in sight!

With eyes of red and lion's head
And wings as dark as night
He has a jaw of gleaming teeth,
He's fifty feet in height!

It's true, it's true
Oh what are we to do?
It's true, it's true,
He'll break us all in two!

Oh he's coming in,
His great big fin is right against the door!
So board up all the windows
And get down on the floor...

The door opens and it hit Alfred to the floor. A beautiful woman named Selina is looking for her butler.

Selina: Has anyone seen Alfred?

They point her to him. Alfred gets up and gets Selina inside the tavern.

Alfred: Selina, please, my child, come in. Get off that street.

Selina: What's the matter?

Alfred: Worst thing I ever saw in my life out on the street.

Selina: What was it?

Alfred: I don't want to tell you for fear it'll scare you to death.

Selina: Scare me.

Alfred: (singing) A dragon, a dragon,
I swear I saw a dragon!

His tail lashing,
He'll be smashing,
Every shop in town!

With scaly feet,
He'll crack the street
And tear the steeple down!

It's not some loony dream,
I heard a scream from Sheriff Brown!

It's true, it's true
Oh what are we to do?
It's true, it's true

Townspeople: 'Ole Alfie's in a stew!

A dragon, a dragon,
'Ole Alfie saw a dragon!

He's bleary eyed,
He's ossified,
He's tighter than a tick!

He had too much to drink today,
So call a doctor quick!

Selina: I better take him home to bed. Before you make him sick!

Alfred: We're sunk, we're sunk!

Townspeople: Go on with ye, ya drunk,
A dragon, a dragon,
He says he saw a dragon!

Selina: The game is done, you've had your fun, my butler's been through enough! So won't you all behave yourselves? I don't want any guff! You're like a bunch of little boys who play at being tough! You'll see, you'll see, you've met your match in me!

Alfred: Oh you always jeer and laugh and sneer,
But look across the square

Townspeople: Alright we'll go and take a look...
There's ab-sol-ut-ley...
Nothing anywhere!

Alfred: A dragon, a dragon,
I swear there was a dragon!

Townspeople: You're off your hinges,
All those minges
Put you in a haze

Selina: You crazy fools,
It's your doggone fault he's in a daze
Let go of me, let go of me
And mend your wicked ways!

Alfred saw a horse and scream.

Townspeople: What makes you think there ever was, there, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never,
WAS A DRAGON! Dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon. (They dance as they grabbed Selina went on the bar tables and kicked the beers with fun. They carried Selina to barrel of beer. She walks on the top of the keg until it pops.) There never ever, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never was a Dragon!

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