Brazzle Dazzle Day

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The next day, Dr. Terminus and Hoagy are walking up to the lighthouse mansion. They see Selina painting the lighthouse.

Terminus: Good morning, Miss Nora. So, this is where you live, eh? At last we've seen the light. (Laughs) I tell you, you've got to have a sense of humor these days. And you must be Dick.

Dick: Yes, sir!

Terminus: I'm Dr. Terminus, and this is Hoagy, who's doing his internship with me. I heard about the incident at school yesterday.

Selina: I'd rather not discuss it.

Terminus: I realize you must be disturbed about it, and, uh, up to here in dragons. You know, Pete, I have always loved dragons. They're such
wonderful creatures. When they're not busy
destroying things, of course. I've had a dream since I was your age that one day... I would have my very own dragon. I would consider my life
to be fulfilled and would be most grateful if you would sell me your dragon.

Selina: You wanna buy Elliott?

Terminus: Sight unseen. As is.

Hoagy: We'll give him a good home. Bless him.

Dick: I couldn't sell him.

Terminus: Sure you could! That's what life
is all about: Buying and selling. I'll give ya three dollars.

Hoagy: Offer him four!

Terminus: I'll offer him five. It'll make his head swim. Five... dollars.

Dick: I can't sell him. I don't own him.

Hoagy: Well, what did ya do, rent him?

Terminus: Well, who owns him?

Dick: Well, nobody, I guess. He just came to me. He only goes to those who need him.

Terminus: I need him.

Selina: Listen Doc, I don't know what you're up to, but you better forget about this. He's not for sale.

Terminus: Selina, go paint your lighthouse. Dick, my boy, you're conversant with Elliott. Now, talk to him. Tell him how much I need him. Look, deliver Elliott to me and the fiver is yours, plus a bottle of my medicine that's guaranteed to bring on puberty two years ahead of time, and that's better than a dragon, hmm?

Selina: Doc, maybe you should talk to Elliott yourself.

Dick: Mm-hmm.

Terminus: Wh-Where is he? Does he speak English?

Dick: Down the beach.


Dick: Right there, by the water.

Terminus: Right. I still don't see...

Dick: That's because he's invisible today.

They laughed.

Terminus: They know they're sitting on a gold mine. Well, they've had their chance to make a few dollars. (They look at Selina and Dick.) That dragon doesn't belong to anybody. He's fair game, and he's gonna be ours! (Singing) We'll bind him up, grind him up
Lock him up, chop him up
Can't you hear
that jingle-jangle sound

Hoagy: Oh yeah

Both: It's money, money, money
by the pound

The foghorn blows which causes Alfred to wake up. They laughed at Dr Terminus and Hoagy and they left the lighthouse. Alfred went outside.

Alfred: Fog! Fog! Where's the fog?

Selina: There's not much fog. We were just using the horn to chase off a few buzzards.

Alfred: Few buzzards. Miss Selina, how many times must I... Oh, started already, huh? (To Dick) Look, if you're gonna whitewash, son, let your brush go up and down, up that's a boy and down.

Dick: Up and down. Up and down.

Alfred: That's right.

Dick: Holy art critic! This is fun.

Alfred: If it's so much fun, I'm gonna leave it to you and Miss Selina to finish up while I go in and take a nice little nap.

Selina stops Alfred.

Dick: This is the best time I've ever had in my whole life.

Alfred: It is?

Dick: Yeah.

Alfred: Tell him, Miss Selina.

Selina: Dick, Alfred and I have talked it over. We feel the time has come for you to stop running.

Alfred: Yes, it's true.

Selina: If it's all right with you, we'd like you to live here with us.

Dick: Holy adoption! Selina, Alfred, do you mean this could be my real home?

Selina: It certainly does.

Dick: And Elliott too?

Alfred: Well, I...

Selina: Sure, and Elliott too.

Alfred: But Elliott has to live in the cave.

Dick: All right, he will. Oh.

He hugs Selina. He tries to hug Alfred.

Alfred: No, no, no! Not on me! Not on me! On the side of the building, please, huh? Now up... Up and down.

Dick: And down. Up and down.

Selina: You know what? (Singing) It's a brazzle dazzle day
So throw off the past and everything in it
That's the brazzle dazzle way
Enjoying your time from minute to minute
Running through the sand without your shoes on

Dick: Shoes on

Selina: Making sure that you don't keep your blues on

Dick: Finding a boat we can cruise on

Selina: It's a brazzle dazzle day
When you think of love and never of sorrow
That's the brazzle dazzle way
To do your work now

Alfred: And take off tomorrow
Flying through the air
You don't need wings on

Both: Wings on

Alfred: Climb right up and feel the thrill it brings on

All: Rock with the wind as it sings on

Both: Ride higher and higher
And glide above the clouds
Free, no one to catch us or slow us
Even the birds are below us
It's a brazzle dazzle day
A lifetime of joy in just a few hours

All: All our brazzle dazzle years have just begun
We'll follow the sun and replay
This brazzle dazzle day

Alfred: When your job becomes a frolic
You become a brass-aholic

They danced while cleaning the lighthouse.

All: Ride higher and higher and glide above the clouds
Free, no one to catch us or slow us
Even the birds are below us
It's a brazzle dazzle day
A lifetime of joy in just a few hours
All our brazzle dazzle years have just begun
We'll follow the sun and replay
This brazzle dazzle day
This brazzle dazzle day

They walked into town.

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