Light the Wick

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At the lighthouse...

Alfred: That ship's headed for the reef! Go down and sound the foghorn!

Selina went to the foghorn and the foghorn blows.

Dick: Elliott, quick! Quick!

Dick hops on to Elliott's back and flies to the lighthouse.

Alfred: Selina, let me have the light so I can see what I'm doing.

Elliott tries to reach the lighthouse.

Dick: Come on, Elliott. You can do it. (Elliott flies to the lighthouse. Dick grabs it.) Dick reacI got it!
Come on, Elliott. Come on, Elliott! (They went inside.) Hurry! (Dick went to the wick.) What's the matter?

Alfred: Everything is wet in here, that's what's the matter!

Dick: Don't worry, Alfred. Elliott came.

Alfred: Elliott? That's all I need is a dragon in here. (Screams) Get him out of here!

Dick: Start your burner, Elliott. Light the wick.

Alfred: All right, Elliott. Go ahead. Light it.

Elliott sputters but no fire came out.

Dick: Now, Elliott! Now!

Alfred: All right. Where's the fire?

Dick: What's the matter? (Elliott babbles) He's all squished up in the stairs.

Selina looks at the ship but the waves made her turn and sees Elliott

Selina: Elliott? (Elliott babbles hello to Selina) He's real. He's really real.

Dick: Of course he is. He's gonna light the wick.

Can he do it?

Alfred: Can he? He can throw a flame clear across to Bar Harbor, if he can get his own burner going!

Elliott tries to breathe fire and gasps.

Dick: Come on, Elliott!

Alfred: Come on!

Selina: Come on, Elliott!

Alfred: Come on! Blow, Elliott!

Elliott inhales and finally breathes fire on the wick.

Dick: Elliott, you did it!

Elliott babbles happily. Alfred puts the tube on the wick. The captain sees the lighthouse.

Captain: Look there!

Bruce: That means the rocks are dead ahead, Captain!

Captain: Hard right rudder!

They made a right on sea.

Selina: Elliott, I could give you a great big kiss.

Elliott gasps and hit his head silly. Selina comes over to Elliott and kiss him as he disappears.

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