Gotham City

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As Dick walk towards a village of the city. A cat meows at him. Dick sighs and went towards the city. The cat ran away. A farmer is delivering eggs to the neighborhood.

Farmer: Eggs! Fresh eggs! Get them by the dozen!

Dick: Now, remember what I said, Elliott. Come on! (He grabbed a stick and ran with it on the fence.) Hi! (Elliott does the same but ruined the fence which causes the milkman's horse to run away. The milkman chase his horse to come back.) I told you not to fool around. Get on the sidewalk and stay next to me. (Dick walk to the wet cement and went to the other side but Elliott squishes the cement with his feet. And he hit his head on a hardware store sign.) Look out, Elliott.

A schoolteacher named Mrs Taylor and her students are walking and skipping to the schoolhouse. She and Dick bumped into each other.

Mrs Taylor: (exclaim) Clumsy, clumsy, clumsy.

Dick: Holy detentions! I'm sorry, real sorry. I was telling my dragon not to bump his head on the sign.

The students laughed at this. But Mrs Taylor looks at them and they stopped.

Mrs Taylor: All right, smarties. Into your classroom. March, march, march, march, march!March! March! March! March! (They marched to the schoolhouse building.) How dare you? I mean, how dare you lie and try to embarrass me in front of my students?

Dick: I wasn't lying.

Mrs Taylor: That's a lie on top of a lie. (She touches Dick's clothes.) You're not one of my pupils. What school are you playing hooky from?

Dick: (stammering) I don't go to school.

Miss Taylor: I knew it. That's just what this town needs. Another ignoramus.

Elliott put Mrs Taylor's petticoat on a nail.

Dick: No, Elliott.

He tried to get it off the nail but Mrs. Taylor walk off and her petticoat ripped off out of her skirt. The kids laughed at her.

Mrs Taylor: You disgusting little street urchin! You could be locked up for this. Where's Chief O'Hara?

She walk to Dick to grab her petticoat.

Dick: Please! I didn't do anything. Your skirt got caught in the nail.

Mrs Taylor: Yes! Your finger nail!

She walk back to the schoolhouse. Mayor Linseed and his men walked outside.

Linseed: Gentlemen, I propose to say Gotham City is a beautiful city where the sun always rises
and the sun always sets. That's very deep and profound. Don't you think?

Elliott plays with rope tether to mess with the farmer.

Dick: Elliott.

Linseed: It's a place of serenity and security, where the unexpected never happens.

The farmer kick Dick in the leg.

Dick: Ow! (Elliot growls) It's okay, Elliott.

Elliott pushes the farmer to the mayor.

Linseed: It seems to say, "Welcome!" (The eggs hit Linseed's face.) You-You absolute oaf. You-You idiot! No, come, come.

Farmer: It was that kid that pushed me.

Hardware Store Man: He pulled off Mrs. Taylor's petticoat.

Cement man: He walked through my cement with his big feet.

Milkman: He scared my horse, Victoria.

Dick: Let's get out of here, Elliott.

Linseed: We-Well, where is this person?

Hardware Store Man: Th-There he goes!

Dick runs away from the mayor.

Linseed: Well, detain him. Detain him.

The citizens chased him but he hide near a tavern crates. Elliott turns into his normal self and laughs. Dick turns to him.

Dick: Elliott...

Elliott: Uh-oh.

Dick: You spoiled everything. Darn you, Elliott. I told you to behave.

Elliott, shamefully, cowers to the wall and babbles apologetically.

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