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A month later...

Snow had fallen in the town. Even The Joker was being quiet around the holidays. The police gave up, but not Arthur. He was still determined to find him. He was with Jackson while Buggy was in his office looking for the files that Jackson brought him in before. He found them and turned pale seeing the photos of young Sarah.

Buggy couldn't handle the photos, Arthur had been right about that. He ran to the restroom and vomited. Then he sat on the floor and cried. After a while he wiped his eyes. He was now really mad. He needed to find the Joker somehow and make him suffer. He just hoped Jackson hurried up. He was supposed to be getting information from the Joker's ex girlfriend. But he couldn't understand what was taking so long.

Arthur as Joker came in and noticed the files were on the desk. He then turned and found Buggy on the floor crying and shaking. Joker sighed and put the photos back in the file.

"I told you not to look at them. Why didn't you listen to me."

"Because I was curious, I'm an idiot," Buggy snapped. He then stood up "I can't keep waiting, Jo Jo, what's taking so long?? I need to kill him!!"

"You think I don't want revenge for Sarah too? That's what I'm working on"

"It's not revenge, it's f***ing justice!" he then grabbed Arthur's phone

"Hey, give it back!!"

"NO! I'm calling Jackson right now!!"

Jackson came in and saw the two of them fighting over the phone, "BROS!"

They stopped and Buggy stormed up to him grabbing his face and yelled in his face.


"Buggy, calm down!" Arthur yelled

"No! I'm fed up of being calm. If I can't find the Joker then tell me where I can find the ex girl of his!!"

"That's why I came!" Jackson pushed him off, "she couldn't come because she has a team of her own, but she says it looks like he has a man working the outside with him...well it's a mammal but not a man."

Joker and Buggy looked at him as if Jackson was crazy.

"Yeah, whatever man, be sure to give me a call when the spacecraft lands" Buggy huffed

"Jackson that doesn't make any sense," Arthur sighed, "we're just going around in circles here."

"I know it sounds crazy, but I saw it. It's a dolphin...," he hands Buggy the photo of a new wanted criminal named the Lone Dolphin.

"Fine. Then it's a good thing I have a ship," Buggy said as he dropped the photo and headed for the door, "what better place to catch a dolphin than at sea."

"Woa, slow down Buggy. We don't have all the facts yet—" but Buggy stopped Joker.

"BORING!!" Buggy yelled, "I'm getting off my ass and actually doing something. Oh and tell the Joker's ex hoe to be ready, because I'm coming for her next! As soon as I take care of the dolphin!"

"Don't you two have a family Christmas party to go to?" Jackson asked.

"Aaaagggh, ugghhhh!!!!" Buggy growled in frustration.

Sarah and Bowser JrWhere stories live. Discover now