Nightmares/ Joker and Sarah (and Buggy)

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      Nights later...

Sarah was trying to sleep. She couldn't for the noises outside kept her up. She cling onto her Buggy and Joker dolls shaking. Suddenly she heard a faint laughter in the room. She looked around not seeing The Joker for that was his laugh, " will never be free of me, I'm the one you really want," she heard his voice inside her head.

Sarah whimpered and shivered. She just wish Joker and Captain Buggy were here, or at least Buggy and Arthur. She immediately got up and ran out of the room. She rushed downstairs and grabbed her boots and coat.

Arthur was at his apartment since he still owned it. He lived in Gotham in a run down apartment. He still had some of his things at his folks, but kept his apartment incase he worked late as Joker. He was about to wash his makeup off when he heard pounding on the door. "Arthur!" It was Sarah.

Joker immediately panicked and opened the door "Sarah, are you okay? What's happened?"

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Joker immediately panicked and opened the door "Sarah, are you okay? What's happened?"

"...," Sarah was surprised to see Joker here. "Where's Arthur? This is his apartment?"

Joker took her hand and quickly pulled her in and shut the door locking it. He then went to the windows shutting the curtains. He then turned off the electricity in his apartment. Sarah was confused in the dark wondering why Joker was doing this. He then picked up a candle lighting it.

"Why did you do all that?"

"......I'm just making sure nobody can hear or see. I have to be really careful. Because what I'm about to tell you, hardly no one knows....," he took a deep breath, "I am Arthur."

"...yeah right, and I'm Harley Quinn." She looked at him like he was crazy.

"Actually I do know her, she's a friend. But Sarah, I am Arthur and I can prove it," he took the piece of paper from his pocket that she gave him with her number on, "you gave it to me out in the yard, back in the fall."

" did you get that!?"

Joker sighed realizing this was not working. "How else can I prove I am Arthur?"

"If you really are Arthur, then kiss me, but we never—MMM!" She gasped when he grabbed her face and kissed her.

He kissed her deeply and when he finally pulled back he blushed beneath his makeup, "I guess that doesn't really prove anything, because we never kissed, but I can wash this off and prove it," he pointed to his face, then added, ".......also, I was pretty jealous that you'd already kissed my brother but we never had."

" was a silly prank. It meant nothing...even the second time."

He was surprised. There was a second time!?

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