Bowser and Chief Pee Pee tell Jr

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     Bowser had left after awhile. He had heard that Sarah had finally told her folks. You see, Mr Gold accidentally told Belle what happened to Sarah. Belle then told Chief Pee Pee who then told Bowser, but they then stopped realizing Sarah hadn't told her folks. Plus ever since Sarah stopped babysitting when she was brought back home, Jr kept asking his father when she would come back, but he made up excuses, because Jr was too young to know.

So when he left, he told Pee Pee to bring Jr to the living room to talk.

"Jr, there's something you need to know about Sarah. You're going to be upset, but it's time you knew..," he sat his son down beside him, ".... when Sarah went missing years ago she was kidnapped and hurt by a very bad man. She's going through a lot right now after what's happened so once she comes home, we all have to be there for her."

"...," Jr was still confused, "what did he do to her?"

"Very bad stuff, Jr," Pee Pee said, "he beat her, worse than what your dad use to do to you, and did...horrible things...things I cannot say because you're still too young to know."

"You're too young to understand but what is important now is that Sarah needs to feel loved by all her friends. She's going to need our support," Bowser added.

Jr then nodded. He looked sad, but he knew that is was best too. "Thanks for telling me," he said softly. Bowser nodded and gave his son a hug.

After the adults left, Joesph came, "so, what's up, dude, you sounded sad on the phone."

"I am sad. I just found out about Sarah getting kidnapped and hurt all those years ago. I feel bad for her. I wish we could do something to help her feel better."

"...well, we can also be there for her, dude."

"But I want to protect her, like our heroes Joker and Captain Buggy...then why don't we become superheroes?" Jr asked.

"Oh my gosh yes! We could be like.....Jester and Captain Binky."

"Really? Joker is already pissed off The Joker for stealing his name. They may hate us like that."

"Sorry dude, just trying to help."

Jr tried to think. And then sighed knowing who would help, "I think I may know one man that could help us."


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