A Bomb

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       Next morning...

Sarah got up carefully and went to take a shower to not interrupt Buggy. Buggy had rolled onto his belly and was hugging his pillow. He was slowly waking up but still felt sleepy. He realized then once he reached across the bed that Sarah wasn't there. He then panicked, "Sarah?!" he ran to the bathroom and the door wasn't locked so he opened it, then quickly slammed it shut again, "....oh crap," he really hoped she hadn't noticed, otherwise she'd be embarrassed.

Sarah did and blushed, but she giggled, "You ok, Buggy?"

"Sh*t....sh*t....sh*t!" He muttered to himself. He then called out "....yeah I'm....yeah...uh, sorry about that. I was just worried about you and I didn't hear the water running. I'm....honna just go back to bed now," he fell onto the bed face down, feeling mortified. But he then couldn't hold in his giggles either.

After she got done she was in the bathrobe and comb her hair coming to Buggy, "I'm fine. Really."

He gave her a thumbs up. His face still buried in the pillow.

She smirked and kissed his blue hair. He jumped and suddenly she was ontop of him. She blushed dark red. He blushed up at her. His hormones were going crazy. Why was he feeling like this all over again? He liked Emma now.

".....d-did you just—," he cleared his throat softly but stayed frozen in place, "....kiss my hair?"

"...yeah...just-just for fun."

Her face turned red feeling his crotch poke between her legs. She bit her lip keeping herself from moaning.

Buggy had noticed and he tried to subtly move, but all that did was make it worse because he accidentally rubbed against her, making him blush more.

She then grabbed his wrist stopping him from moving her. "I-I want to...moan, but I don't know if that would be right..."

He swallowed roughly, "you already told me though....so now I know that's what you want to do. And you stopped me from moving you. I actually don't want to move you, and....I'm clearly excited....but I don't know if that's right either. But all of it has already happened so.... I guess none of that matters if it's right or wrong now."

He wasn't sure he was making any sense. His brain wasn't working properly now.

"...I mean...we could do it, no one has to know...and it could be a one time thing?" She told him.

"You mean you actually want to do it, with me?? And you won't feel bad having a dirty little secret like that between us?" he teased.

"...no...it could be like...friends with benefits thing...," Sarah blushed.

"....you sure you want to?" he moved again, rubbing against her on purpose this time.

She rolled around and kissed him deeply holding his face. He moaned softly as he kissed her back, "so this whole one-time thing was acrually....a five or six time thing," he chuckled then looked at her serious, "promise me you won't regret this? Any of it,"

"I won't, Buggy. I love you, daddy."

He then smiled and kissed her forehead, "I love you too, baby girl."

Just then a knock came at the door and it was Jr, Buggy then noticed the time and realized they had spent the entire morning making love.

"Buggy wuggy....time to wake up!"

Buggy quickly handed Sarah her clothes so she could run to the bathroom. He pulled on his jeans and a shirt, "sorry Jr, I only just woke up." he fake yawned.

Sarah and Bowser JrWhere stories live. Discover now