Buggy and Sarah

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It was late in the hotel, and Sarah became worried about Arthur. They had a fight and he would talk to her now.

Arthur was down in the bar, drowning his sorrows. Drinking too much. Buggy walked in and groaned seeing him. He hadn't forgotten how his brother had behaved like a jackass earlier, to Sarah and to him. But he still took a seat at the bar, "maybe you should slow down a little," Buggy said, seeing Arthur down a shot of whiskey.

Arthur huffed, "you're sticking your nose into my business again. When are you going to learn?"

"Listen, I don't care if you don't wanna hear this but I'm giving you some friendly advice... I think you've had too much to drink. And.... you were bang out of order with how you didn't believe Sarah."

Arthur slammed his glass down and glared at him, "you are only agreeing with her because you still have a thing for her."

"No I don't! I genuinely believe her!"

"Guys, if you're going to fight can you please take this outside?" the bartender said.

"We're not going to fight," Buggy assured him "I'm leaving him to it."

He then got up and left.

Arthur growled, he payed his drinks and followed his little brother outside.

"It's impossible. We killed him. She is just traumatized is all." Arthur told him and almost fell, but Buggy caught him.

"One thing life's taught me so far, once I realized I have detachable body parts, is anything is possible! And you're not supposed to doubt the one you love."

"Oh, giving me dating tips now, huh."

Buggy ignored him and helped walk him back to the hotel. He was so drunk he couldn't walk alone without stumbling.

"You just need to sleep it off. We'll talk about this tomorrow," he said once he got him to his room.

Sarah was awake and saw them both come in. She ran to Arthur and hugged him crying. "You worried me, Artie. I'm sorry, but please don't scare me like that."

"You....told me to stay the hell away from you!" Arthur pointed at her drunkenly

"And you said I had a big nose, but I'm over it," Buggy pointed out.

"You, f**k off! I'm tired of hearing your voice constantly, and seeing your stupid face—"

"Fine!" Buggy let Arthur go and he almost fell, but Sarah caught him, "I'm done. Good luck, Sarah. I'm outta here."

Buggy then left and slammed the door.

Arthur then laughed to himself, "He's so over dramatic. You and him are alike that way. Perhaps you'd make a better girlfriend for him."

"....," Sarah then teared up, "WHY ARE YOU SUCH A F*CKING BASTARD!" She then slapped him hard across his face, "THAT IS SO NOT OK! You're never been like this! Never. Why now!?"

"Actually I have been, remember I killed people sarah... I spent time in Arkham, I even killed my therapist there...," he hiccuped, "I'm just pissed off, you're ruining this whole trip with your tantrums and moodiness, all because you're seeing dead people! Maybe you need some of my medication."

"....," Sarah shivered and teared up, "I'm done...I'm done with you. You always believed me with everything and now the most I need you....you throw sh!t in my face. So I'm I am done being your girlfriend!" She grabbed her bag and stormed out of the hotel room.

Arthur realized this was serious, but the alcohol kicked in more. He just growled and plopped on the bed.

"Buggy!" Sarah called out to him looking for him, "Buggy, please don't leave me!"

Buggy opened his door. He'd basically just gone to his room, "I'm not leaving, I'm not gonna let that jackass ruin this trip for me," he gestured for her to come inside, "what happened? Did you guys get into another fight?"

She noticed his magic wore off so his clown nose was showing, but she didn't care.

"I'm done with him. I told him I'm done with him. She hugged him sobbing. She wrapped her arms around his waist sobbing as she hugged him.

He sighed and hugged her back, trying to comfort her, "....look he can be moody, and alcohol doesn't always agree with him. You guys can probably talk things over tomorrow once he's sober."

"...," she shook her head as she hugged him tightly. He picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bed and sat down holding her comforting her.

"It'll be alright. All relationships have their ups and downs," he still tried to reassure her, "how can I help, baby? I've always struggled seeing you upset. D'you wanna watch a movie? Or play some games? Jr and Joseph brought like a ton of them. We even have twister," he chuckled.

"We can...watch something..."

"Okay, sure," he grabbed the remotes and turned on the tv. He then handed them to Sarah... whatever you want, it's your choice," he then went to the mini fridge and took out a carton of ice cream, "wanna share? It's pretty good."

"Ok...," she played a spooky and mystery black and white show. It was a detective trying to find a murder mystery, but also falls for a female side character.

Sarah snuggled close to Buggy while he ate the ice cream. But she didn't eat any. She actually was slowly falling asleep.

He then noticed and switched the light out but left the tv on. He turned the volume down though. He set the ice cream carton on the nightstand and snuggled down against the pillows, being careful to not disturb her.

Sarah snuggled close to him and rested her face in his arm.

He put his arm around her and softly kissed her forehead, "sweet dreams, sis," he whispered. He then yawned. He was feeling sleepy now too.

She rested her head on his chest and snuggled closer to him. Buggy wanted to watch her sleep, but he was slowly falling asleep. He kept his arm around her protectively as he closed his eyes and soon he was sleeping too. Sarah now felt safe in Buggy's arms. She didn't feel like no one was watching her anymore and that she was safe thanks to her best friend.

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