Prom Night/Vacation in Disney World

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(Sexual touching in this)

(Sexual touching in this)

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      A few days later Jnr had an idea

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      A few days later Jnr had an idea. He wanted to do something nice for Sarah to cheer her up and couldn't think of anything more fun than taking a trip to Disneyland.

"That could work....Chief Pee Pee!"

"Mmm-mmm! Bowser's lunch for work is already done!" Chief Pee Pee smiled at his work.

"Chief Pee Pee!"

"Ugh! What do you want you stupid brat!?"

"Can we take my friends especially Sarah to Disney World? Wecould all go, like a family day out!"

"Or even stay over!"

"Or it could be me just her, Joesph, Archie, and Buggy."

"Ask your dad, I don't know."

He then ran to Bowser, "Dad Dad Dad!"

Bowser sighed for he was trying to get ready for work "yes Jr, what is it?"

"Well summer is coming up and I was wondering to cheer Sarah up if me, Joesph, Archie, Buggy and her could go to Disney World and do anything she wants there."

Bowser thought about this "Well, it's a long drive and going to be expensive...,"

"Yes!!! And Chief Pee Pe can take us."

Bowser thought and liked the idea. He was getting big paychecks now these days. So maybe he could buy plane tickets and tickets for them and extra money if they eat there or get gifts. "You know what, how about it. I will the tickets, the plane tickets and give you all...$500 dollars to spend on anything there, food, toys, you name it."

Jr then squealed.

"I'm so excited!! I can't wait to tell Sarah and everyone!!"

Bower smiled and patted his head.

Sarah was getting ready for school. She heard prom night was happening next month which was the last month. And her birthday was coming up. She wanted to go, but it with anyone from here. She thought about Arthur. Or Buggy if Arthur couldn't.

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