Chapter 4 - New Beginnings.

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The tube was stuffy and packed. Rae stood by the tiny open window, the hot, dry air from the tunnel billowing her hair. It was better here than standing further in. It was Friday, rush hour, and the usual mixture of suits and causally dressed passengers were rammed up against each other. The odd individual dressed up, heading out early, and drinking from a can was interspersed throughout the carriage. She was in a good mood and listening to uncharacteristically chipper tunes from her 80s pop playlist- a bit of old school Michael Jackson, twitching in a way she thought was cool to Don't Stop Till You Get Enough, but she was acutely aware it probably just made her look slightly insane. She didn't care; nothing could burst her bubble because her first week at her new job, despite the initial issues with who her boss was, had been one of the best weeks she'd ever experienced and despite 'he who she could not name' she couldn't be happier she'd got this job. She'd been working on her first assignment with glowing feedback, and Finn and Poe were fast becoming some of her new favourite people. They had this insane banter, finishing each other's sentences. Poe had the sharper, more sarcastic wit that she appreciated and a glower that she was jealous of. Finn had exuberance as well as a smile that could almost turn her frown upside down. She'd not been entirely sure whether they were a couple or not; she couldn't decide if their flirting behaviour was genuine as they acted like that with everyone. It didn't matter, but Rose was single and desperate (her words), and Finn would be a perfect candidate as long as he was available and interested. Every tea/ coffee break that week had turned into a twenty-minute chat, normally with her exasperated or crying with laughter. She'd have to be careful it didn't impact her work. She's never really had work friends that had successfully transitioned to friend friends; maybe Finn and Poe would be the first.

Off the tube, she walked/shimmied down the road to her shared home, trying not to replicate moves from the Thriller music video poorly; she failed.

"Hello, family!" she hollered as she opened the door.

"Hey," Phoebe greeted her with a glass of wine.

"Oh, um, cheers," Rae accepted it, taking a big gulp.

"Get showered; we're going out," Phoebe instructed as she walked into her room at the front of the property.

"We are?"

"Yeah, meeting Hux out. World's End then the club."

"OK, so out, out. I really don't wanna be a third wheel to your tongue show, Pheebs."

Phoebe smiled, not superficial but perfect, a knowing smile that said I'm gonna use my trained verbal skills on you, and you won't stand a chance in Hell. Fucking lawyer. Rae took a breath and braced herself.

"You won't be a third wheel. Rose is coming obviously, and Ben."

Rae was wrong; her bubble could be burst. "Ben! Come on, Pheobe!"

"It's the club. Rose is coming. It'll be fine. It's not like a double date, so drink up and clean up."

Before Rae could protest further, Phoebe closed her bedroom door. Rae's open, poised mouth closed, swallowing her plea. If Rose was going, it wouldn't be all that different to any other night. Ben had already shown his ineptitude at making small talk, so she shouldn't have to engage with him, hopefully. She sighed and reassessed she'd had a pretty stellar week; she should go out and party, and if Hux was paying, at least it wouldn't cost too much and maybe Corey was working. Where had she put his number?

She headed for the bathroom, necking the wine down before she entered.

An hour later, she and Phoebe were sat on the sofa drinking the remains of the bottle. The party buzz was leaving, and the can we stay home slump was kicking in.

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