Chapter 32- The Morning After

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Rae awoke to a slither of light glinting across her face through the drawn curtains. She rolled over, placed her hand across the mountainous form next to her, and smiled. The dream was real; Ben Sullivan was in her bed asleep, having spent most of the night fulfilling several spoken and unspoken desires. Rae had never been one to make a lot of noise during sex. If a guy was doing it right, he'd know in other ways. She always considered being overly noisy unnecessary, rude even, something for adult movies rather than real-life sex. Other women's noises had particularly bothered her during university and in some of her first rented homes in London. In her final year at university, during her final exams, Rae had actually gone as far as to knock on her neighbour's door and ask that she shove some socks in her mouth or something because she needed some sleep and didn't need to hear how fantastic this girls' partner was in bed at all hours. She assumed there had been a partner; she'd never heard him. Men were often quieter, so why couldn't women be? She never heard the girl again, so clearly, it wasn't necessary.
Last night, however, Rae had been a little more vocal as wanton abandon took hold. She'd always been relatively easy to please, or at least she was when she loved the guy, and she did love him. Last night had been no exception; what had been an exception was Ben: everything about him. She'd never had sex that was so intimate; they had been so physically connected, almost every molecule of them touching as Ben lay shuddering centimetres from her own quivering form before he relaxed and buried himself in her embrace.

Her back ached faintly from where her spine had rubbed up against the tiles last night. She smiled to herself as she recalled how it had started the second time with him insisting he clean her. She danced her fingertips across his arm and exposed back lightly and then, as carefully as possible, crept from under the covers and headed to the bathroom. She observed her face in the mirror to see if she looked any different, given her state of euphoria. She then recalled that this was his hotel room, and she was wearing his boxers and t-shirt from Friday. When she and Ben were finally spent and exhausted, Ben had yet again lent her clothing because none of her things were in this room, and Rae hated sleeping naked because she despised sticking to her own skin. She'd need her own stuff before heading to breakfast. What time was it? She went back into the room and found her phone- 8.30 a.m. They'd not been asleep long, but the way she felt, she couldn't possibly go back to sleep; she was starving, and breakfast service stopped at 10 a.m.

Thankfully, the hotel provided robes, so she placed one on and headed to her room. The hotel was quiet; no other wedding party guests seemed to be walking the corridors. In her room, Rae decided that gathering everything up she needed was too time-consuming; showering and dressing here would be easier. If she went back to Ben's room, she'd disturb him, let him sleep. She showered and dressed, dried her hair, put on a little makeup, and packed her stuff. Just after 9.15 a.m., she finished and headed back to Ben's room to wake him.

She let herself in, and he was still soundly asleep on the bed. His back was rising and falling as he breathed. She knelt next to him and leaned over, stroking his hair from his face and lightly kissing his closed eyes, his forehead, and his lips.

"Uh... leave me more... I'm spent. I need more sleep..," he muttered as he rolled over.


He opened one eye, peered at her, and then frowned, "You're dressed?"

"Yeah went back to my room for my clothes. Can't very well go down for breakfast in your boxers and t-shirt."

He smiled, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around her, "I dunno; you could get away with it, I reckon."

"Ben go get in the shower, and let's get breakfast before there's none left. I'm famished," she said, wriggling out from his embrace.

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