Chapter 11- Birthday Shenanigans

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Celebrations for Pheobe's birthday had taken a back burner due to Paige and Wesley's wedding becoming increasingly imminent. Rae, however, had bought tickets months earlier for a musical for the housemates. With Phoebe and Hux practically living together, she'd informed Hux of the plan, and he'd purchased more last-minute tickets so he could attend as well as Poe, Ben and Finn.

"Hux, do you even like musicals?" Rae asked as they entered the office together.

Hux considered rubbing his beard; Rae wondered if he'd rub his chin in contemplation if he didn't have a beard. What did his jawline even look like? There could be double chins hiding under there. That was ridiculous; Hux was one of the thinnest guys she'd met.
"Not sure. My mum definitely listened to the classics, you know Les Mis, Phantom, so I'm aware of those, but that's not what we're seeing."

"No," Rae confirmed.

"Based on a film from the 80's?"

"Yep, with the same name. Heathers."

"Right. If I recall, that film was weird," he waved a hand dismissively, "I'm sure it'll be fine. So about the thing I wanna do for her. Would you all be up for a weekend away for the Bank Holiday?"

"I don't imagine anyone had any plans, but it's a bit short notice to find somewhere, Hux. Especially for the May Bank Holiday weekend."

'Let me worry about that. She says she misses the sea. So, somewhere by the coast would be good, right?"

"Yeah, but you're never gonna find anywhere. Or at least anywhere that isn't crazy money now."

Hux touched his nose knowingly, "Let me worry about that. Catch you later."

Of course, money was seemingly not a concern for the boss. Rae watched Hux waving behind his head as he headed to the office. She could make out Ben's dark form sitting behind his desk, which moved as Hux entered. Rae turned and walked over to where Poe sat quietly.

"Morning Poe, how's it going?"

Poe gave her a scrutinising face, "You're an actual ray of sunshine this morning. Good weekend?"

Rae smiled at the memory of their initial meeting when he'd said that and at what was causing her to feel so chipper.
"Hen party. So exhausting, but yeah, it was great." Corey would be messaging her, and they'd go for a drink, so it had been very fruitful. "How about you?"

"Nice and quiet, the way I like it."

"Which it's looking like the next few weeks won't be."

"I'm not sure I appreciate being included in your social circle. It's full-on," Poe said, circling his hand in her direction, encompassing what was becoming quite the large group now that Rose and Finn were officially dating and Hux and Phoebe were inseparable. Ben and Poe were being slowly dragged into the mix regularly.

"Ah, but we love you," she said, rubbing his hair. Poe's grey-streaked, thick, curly hair was one of his best features, and everyone couldn't stop themselves from touching it. Actually, Poe was a very classically good-looking guy with dark eyes, a good jawline, and a straight nose. He had an incredible personality but liked staying home; he was an introvert despite his seemingly extrovert sense of humour. So his hair was not his best feature, just one no one could stop touching.

"What can I say? I'm a loveable guy."

"Yes, you are. You want a tea before we crack on." He gave her a sarcastic head tilt. They both knew it was a stupid question. "Right, yeah, stupid question."


Heathers was on at the Other Palace, the closest tube being St James Park. Just a short walk past the barracks and down a few streets, it stood on a corner in a seemingly residential area: tall white townhouses with large rectangular windows. Rae loved these streets, though she often wondered who could afford to live in one and round the corner from Buckingham Palace.

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