Chapter 27- Cool Rider

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The rest of Wednesday in work had been mercifully drama and Lucinda-free. It had also been conversation-free concerning Ben, and Rae had eventually left reluctantly, still having not spoken to him. She could see him sitting at his desk, looking busy, so she'd decided again not to bother him either in person or via phone. Rae went to bed that night feeling relieved but not strictly positive. She felt like she was back at square one, unable to talk to him and unsure what to do. Tomorrow, Rae would bite the bullet and speak to him; be it charging into the office or only via text, she would make an effort. She had to. She would not allow this thing between them to wither and die to become merely friends who always wished they'd been more but who'd waited too late to do anything about it. She didn't want another what-if. Resolved that tomorrow would be different. Rae actually slept well.

In the morning, Rae headed to work with a sense of purpose and upbeat music on- Archive Bullets, Half Moon Run Full Circle and Florence and the Machine. Rae felt too agitated to read on the underground, so she stood by the door between the carriages, staring through the lowered window. The entire length of the tube was visible, and Rae gazed at the other commuters as her hair whipped about her. The wind from the open window buffed her hair about her head, and she felt grateful that she'd always considered the windswept look to have suited her. As Rae nodded at Janie as she entered the office, Florence and the Machine returned, this time with Heavy in your Arms. She headed to her desk, looking up at the gallery as she walked. Ben stood with his arms folded, looking down into the office below. She stood directly in front of him, gave him a faint smile, and raised her hand as a greeting. He didn't smile, but she saw his brow furrow, and he looked down at his folded arms, pursing his lips, and then looked back to her. His shoulders moved visibly in a sigh, and then he unfolded his arms and turned from the window into the depths of the gallery. She could still see him, but he'd turned his back on her. Well, that went fucking well. She growled in frustration and plonked herself at her desk.


The Bullseye account was causing problems again, and Ben and Hux had been on an open phone conversation with them for the last hour. Initially, they had liked everything, then they'd changed their mind, a new order had been put forward with a new charge, and now they were changing their mind again! Wrongly assuming they could have their money back. Hux and Ben had been speaking to them about how it didn't matter that they'd changed their mind- again, work had been done, so payment would be required regardless.

The call finally ended just after 11 a.m. Ben leaned over Hux's desk, hands planted and practically resting his face on it. Hux sat in his chair heavily and rested his head on the desk.

"Coffee!" he groaned into the desk. "Coffee!"

"Fucking idiots," Ben sighed, straightening up from the desk. "More money than fucking sense."

"Coffee!" Hux moaned again, partially muffled by the desk.

"Yes, yes, I hear you. I'll go get you one."

Ben grabbed Hux's mug. Without raising his head from the desk or even attempting not to speak to the desk, Hux pointed at him.

"And for god's sake, talk to Rae. It was bad enough before when you liked her. I can't bear this silent guilt trip you're on anymore. Talk to her- now!" Hux's hand now pointed to the gallery window.

"Right. On it," Ben said as he exited the gallery and headed down the steps.
Rae's was the first desk he hit. She was working; as always, her headphones were in, and she didn't see or hear him approach. He stood over her desk, watching her sketch. It looked like a woman in the lotus position, but her arms were raised above her head- it certainly didn't look like it was for any of their clients.

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