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3rd person pov

A man is walking through the streets of Gotham, trying to get home as it had gotten dark and things get dangerous after dark in Gotham. A boy no older than 12 bumps into him.

Man: Watch it, brat!

Kid: Sorry, sir.

They both go their seperate ways.

Y/n's pov

That was easy. I look at the man's wallet and open it. Harvey Bullock.

Y/n: Sorry, Harvey, but looks like you don't need this anymore.

I take the money out and put the wallet on the ground. After a few more hours of stealing from people I walk to the alleyway where I pay my boss.

Boss: Good haul kid.

He gives me some money and I count it.

Y/n: This is only half of what you said I'd get.

Boss: You got a problem with it?

Y/N: Give me the money I'm owed.

He grabs me and slams me against the wall.

Boss: Listen here! You can either keep it or not have it!

I kick him in the stomach and try to run but his friends stop me. I back up and one is about to punch me when we hear a slam. We turn and see a tall, dark figure. It steps out of the dark and see it's Batman.

Boss: Get 'em!

They rush him but he catches one's punch and head butts him. He then punches the other knocking him out, then proceeding to knock the first one out with a punch. My boss grabs me.

Boss: Don't do nothin! I'll kill the kid.

Batman throws a smoke bomb. I elbow the boss and move out of the way as Batman slams him into the wall and knocks him out. He ties them up then looks at me. He walks over.

Batman: Where do you live?

Y/n: Gotham Orphanage.

A black armoured car pulls up outside tge alley. The doors open.

Batman: Get in.

We both enter and he drives to the orphanage. When we arrive the caretaker is already waiting for us.

Caretaker: Y/n, what did you do now?!

I exit the car and walk up to her.

Y/n: I got attacked.

Caretaker: What are we going to do with you. The cops brought you home the last time and now a vigilante. Just go inside. We'll talk there.

I go inside.

Batman's POV

I get in the Batmobile.

Batman: Alfred, run the Gotham Orphanage database for kids named Y/n.

Alfred: Right away, sir.

I wait until he talks again.

Alfred: Found something. Y/n L/n, orphaned at a young age. Admitted when he was eight. He has a record for coming back with either a scar, police officer, and now Batman.

I think about it for a second.

Batman: Can you make me an appointment for him tomorrow at four?

Alfred: Right away, sir.

Y/n's pov

Caretaker: Y/n you need to stop whatever you are doing. If you keep going down this path you'll end up in prison. Now, go to bed.

I go to bed and go to sleep.

I wake up early in the morning because the Caretaker woke me up.

Caretaker: Wake up. You have an appointment this afternoon.

Y/n: Who would want to adopt me?

Caretaker: Bruce Wayne.

Y/n: The billionare?

Caretaker: He said he wants to do some good for people who grew up like him.

Y/n: Alright. I'll be ready.

A few hours later.

I'm finally called into the interview room where the person who wants to adopt meets the kid. I enter and see Bruce. I sit down in the chair across from him.

Bruce: Hello, Y/n. My name is Bruce.

Y/n: I know who you are Mr. Wayne.

Bruce: Okay then. I heard you have a record.

Y/n: Who'd you hear that from?

Bruce: A friend.

He looks at a chess board that's in the room.
I also look at it.

Bruce: You play?

Y/n: When I feel like it. I beat the other kids all the time.

Bruce: Well, why don't you try a new challenger?

He grabs the board and brings it over. We set it up and start playing.

Bruce: So, why do you steal?

Y/n: Can't get a job yet. And I need to provide for myself somehow.

Bruce: There are other ways.

Y/n: If it wasn't my only option, I wouldn't do it.

Bruce: Well, maybe I can help you.

Y/n: How so?

Bruce: I give you a home and allowance, later on I give you a nice paying job to start you off in life.

Y/n: I wouldn't object to it.

Bruce: Well then, welcome to the Wayne family, Y/n.

We finish the match in a stalemate.

Timeskip to later that night.

Bruce's pov

Bruce: He has shown to be very intelligent.

Alfred: It appears so.

Bruce: Think I made the right choice?

Alfred: We shall see.

Timeskip to a year later.

Y/n's pov

After Bruce and I got to know eachother and after the adoption we go to Wayne manner. It's a big place, artwork, chandeliers, all of that. His butler, Alfred, Led me to my new room. After a few hours Alfred says that Bruce wants to show me something and brought me to some secret elevator. We go down and enter some cave. We walk in and there is a huge computer, a dinosaur, a big penny, and the same car that Batman was in. I back up a little bit and bump into something. I turn and see Batman. He takes of his cowl revealing tgat he is Bruce.

Y/n: Bruce Wayne is Batman?!

Bruce: Yes. When I saw you in that alleyway I knew I had to help you learn to defend yourself. Now, let's get to it.

He brings me over to a punching bag and teaches me some things.

3 months later

I finished training and Bruce pulls me to the side. He grabs a box from behind himself and hands it to me. I open it and see a red suit with an R on it.

Y/n: You're making me the new Robin?

Bruce: Yes. You start in two weeks.

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