Robin-Night 1

953 15 0

January 29th

Bruce: Y/n, it's time.

We go out on patrol in the batmobile, speeding down the street when we get an alert about a murder. When we arrive Bruce talks to the police to find leads. I look around the crime scene and see a window with a bullet hole through it, a body, and the impact hole of the bullet on a wall. I look through the window and see a tall building.

Y/n: Batman!

He walks in.

Batman: What is it?

Y/n: It looks like the bullet came from that building.

Batman: Let's go.

We arrive at the building and begin searching it. We enter a room and see an open window while all other windows are closed. We look around at everything and find a bullet casing along with gunpowder residue.

Batman: Who ever did this was am amatuer. Left to much evidence. Alfred, I'm sending a picture of a bullet. Can you tell me what kind it is?

Alfred: It's a .556 round, sir.

Y/n: It was a marksman rifle. Not a sniper.

He looks around the room and the halls and sees a couple cameras and he hacks into them. We watch as the gunman came in the room with a case, pull out a rifle, put a scope on and fire the shot. We get a good look at his face.

Batman: Alfred, can you run this man's face through the system?

Alfred: Right away.

We wait a second until Alfred talks again.

Alfred: His name is Allan Smith. Past crimes include: Extrotion, assault, battery, and theft. Dangerous man.

Batman: Scan all traffic cameras for his face.

Alfred: One moment, Sir.

We wait a few more minutes.

Alfred: Last seen entering a building on Pearl Street.

Batman: Thank you. Come on.

We go back to the Batmobile and head to the address. When we arrive, we look around the building. We enter a room where someone pointed him out to be in. When we enter we see that he is on the ground, bleeding. Batman walks up to him and feels his pulse.

Batman: Dead.

He scans the room and notices something. There is a small card on a table. He picks it up and sees a clown patern with the word 'HA' painted over it.

Batman: The Joker is involved.

He then presses a button on the side pf his cowl.

Batman: Gordon, the Joker is involved.

Gordon: We'll be looking out for him.

He presses it again and the call cuts. We go back to the batcave to look at any locations the Joker may be hiding out at. We find a camera that shows a figure in a purple trench coat enter the building we were just in. He leaves five minutes later. We follow him for a bit. He enters a building where he has been for the past hour.

Y/n: The old bakery. I used to steal from there all the time.

We drive to the bakery and sneak around. He opens a ventalation grate and enters. I follow him inside. We sneak around until we get to a place where there are henchmen. We stop and listen and hear them talking about a plan the Joker has to take out Jim Gordon.

Henchman: Think he'll be able to do it?

Henchman: He's gotten away with hiring a hitman and then killing said hitman. The Bat probably ain't out tonight.

Batman looks back at me and puts up three fingers. He puts up three, then two, then one, then he puts his hand in a fist and we jump out of the grates and attack the henchmen. I kick one in the side of the head. I then sweep his legs amd knock him out. Batman slams the other into the wall and holds him there.

Batman: Where is he?

Henchman: Down the hall! I don't want any troub-

He knocks the henchman out and we go down the hall. He peeks through a crack in the door and sees the Joker talking to a captive police officer. He holds a gun to the officers head and laughs.

Joker: All I want to know is where old Jimmy is gonna be next. So tell me!

Officer: I don't know! I really don't! Please, let me go!

Joker: Sorry, pal, can't do that. You know too much. Harley?!

Harley Quinn walks in with a table of what seems to be tools for torture.

Harley: Here ya go Mister J!

Y/n: (whispering) I hate clowns.

Joker picks up a drill and turns it on.

Joker: Let's fool around!

Batman kicks the door in and we start attacking the two clowns. I run at Harley and sweep her legs. She gets back up and tries to punch me. I block it and kick her stomach. She rushes at me and I punch her in the face, knocking her out. Batman is in a heated fight with Joker. Even though he's built like a twig, the dude can fight. Joker goes for a quick jab, but Batman dodges and follows up with an undercut that puts Joker back a bit. Joker tries to kick, but his leg is grabbed and he's thrown into a wall. He is knocked out on impact.

Batman: Robin, untie the officer.

I untie him and he thanks us and runs out.
Batman calls Gordon and the GCPD comes and takes everyone away. Afyer that, Batman and I go back to the Batcave to call it a night. I get changed and shower and, After that I got to my room, lie down, and think about tonight. My door opens and Bruce walks in.

Bruce: Good job tonight, Y/n. See you in the morning.

Y/n: Thanks, Bruce. Good night.

He leaves and I stay awake thinking about what I did tonight. After a while I go to sleep with a smile on my face.

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