Meet the Rest of the Family

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It's been a year and four months. I'm now 15 and Bruce let's me do a lot more. But he's been giving me too much freedom to where it's become reckless. Letting me go on solo patrols, letting me fight bigger villains alone, and work my own cases. I mean it's not really freedom since he's usually hiding in the shadows and watching me. It's a lot for me. But anyway, I'm driving my motorcycle to a call about a robbery in progress at a convience store. When I arrive I quickly find a way in and sneak around.

Robber: You hear that?

Robber 2: Your just paranoid.

It's two gunmen and three hostages. Easy work. I drop down from my hiding spot.

Y/n: You can never be too paranoid.

They turn and look at me. I drop a smoke bomb and sneak around a bit. Maybe I should have some fun with these guys. I pick up a container and throw it at a guy, hitting him in the head.

Robber: Ah. You little shit.

Y/n: I'll have you know I'm a perfectly good size for my age.

I the throw a full can of soda at him.

Robber: Ow!

I come out of my hiding spot and disarm him. I grab his arm and punch him in his rib. I then body slam him and kick him in the head, knocking him out cold.

Robber 2: Can I go?

Y/n: Well, it's me or the cops, buddy.

He runs out of the store.

Y/n: Wuss.

I untie the hostages and walk out with robber I knocked out. I hand him over to the GCPD and leave. While driving through the streets I hear another crime on the police scanner that peaked my interest. When I arrive, the crime scene is a mess. Broken tables, holes in the wall, a strange green liquid on the floor, and the victim. A wealthy man from the upperside of Gotham.

Gordon: Robin? Where's Batman?

I look at the door and Gordon has walked through it.

Y/n: He's dealing with something in Bludhaven. But I can be just as good as him, Commisoner.

Gordon: All right. Can you tell us what happened here?

Y/n: The man was most likely killed in a home invasion gone wrong. The holes in the walls aren't small enough to be bullets. So, someone punched them. It also looks like the guy was killed by trauma to... well, everywhere. He probably got slammed through the tables. Question is: what is that liquid?

Gordon: Can you find out?

Y/n: Of course I can.

I pull out a Q-tip and a small plastic container. I swab the liquid and put it in the container. I put it in a small device and it analyzes it.

Y/n: It's Venom.

Gordon: Bane?

Y/n: Seems like it. If he is leaking Venom that means he's leaving a trail. All I have to do is follow it.

I go out to the street and see traces of the liquid.

Y/n: He left on foot.

I get on the motorcycle and follow the trail. It leads me to an old warehouse. I enter through a broken window and sneak on the raftors until I see he's in a meeting with two other villains. Two Face and Riddler.

Riddler: Did you get it?

Bane: Of course. But, the man is... broken.

Riddler: We only needed what he could provide us.

Two Face: What are you planning here Nigma?

Riddler: A way to kill Batman of course.

Two Face: And how are we gonna do that?

Riddler: We capture Robin first.

Bane: What, are you gonna lure him to us?

Riddler: Well, that part is already taken care of.

Before I can react he pulls out a pistol that fires a dart into my neck. I fall onto the table and fall unconconcius.

Riddler: Goodnight, Birdie.

Batman's pov

I arrive back from Bludhaven and see that Y/n isn't home yet. I walk down to the batcave and don't see him there either. I run into Alfred and decide to ask him.

Bruce: Alfred, has Y/n been home since last night?

Alfred: I haven't seen him. I thought he was in the cave.

Bruce: Something's wrong.

I go back down to the Batcave and call Dick, Tim, Barbra, Katherine, and Jason. They all answer.

Dick: Something up, Bruce.

Bruce: Y/n is missing.

Tim: Who?

Dick: His new protege.

Jason: Hold on. He's missing? Why was he on patrol without someone.

Dick: He was helping me in Bludhaven.

Katherine: Do you have any idea where he could have gone?

Bruce: None.

Batgirl: I was on patrol last night. And there were sightings of Two Face, Riddler, and Bane.

Bruce: Then we don't have time to lose. Help me.

They all agree to help and we meet in Gotham that night.

Y/n's pov

I wake up tied to a chair. I look around and see all three of them staring at me. Two Face slaps me to make sure I'm awake.

Riddler: Okay, Robin, just tell us what we want to know and you go free. Okay?

I stay silent and stare at him.

Riddler: Well, if you don't there is a big strong man here that will gladly snap your back in two. So first question: Where is Batman's lair.

Y/n: Your mothers house.

Riddler: Why you little...

He hits me with his cane.

Riddler: You know what... I'll just kill yo-

The wall explodes and everyone comes in to help me. They make quick work of Riddler and Two Face. They then team up on Bane and knock him out. They untie me and take me back to the cave so I can get patched up. While I'm there I was introduced to the others. There are also two others but they couldn't make it.

Y/n: Thank you. All of you.

Nightwing: Welcome to the family, kid.

They all leave and I go upstairs to my room to get some rest after what had happened.

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