Orphan and Spoiler

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Even though I live with the richest man in Gotham, and fight crime most nights, I still have to go to school. And Bruce says "He doesn't want me to feel I'm better then others" by sending me to private school. Hard to feel that I was a street theif for six years. So he sent me to Gotham High School.

I'm in Sophmore year and I'm one of the smartest in my grade. My teachers say that "It's rare for the high school to have such a great mind" some kids look at me in Jealousy, disgust, and anger. I haven't done anything to them but they hate me either way. Well, let's not worry about that now. I'm walking into the manor and Bruce texts me saying to meet him in the living room.

Y/n: Hey, Bruce.

Bruce: Y/n. How was school?

Y/n: Uneventful and rather dull.

Bruce: Mhm. Well, I want to introduce you to the other two residents.

Y/n: Well, where have they been for the past two years.

Bruce: They were sent to a private school in Switzerland.

Y/n: Oh.

The door opens and two girls enter. One is Blonde, with long hair, and the other has short, black hair.

Bruce: Y/n, meet Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Kane.

Y/n: Is she related to Kate?

Cassandra: No.

Y/n: Okay then.

Bruce: They're going to join you at the high school.

Y/n: Why?

Bruce: They said they wanted to meet you. So, I let them transfer. I'll let you get to know eachother.

He walks out and we just sit there.

Stephanie: So, your the new Robin?

Y/n: Yeah. He found me two years ago.

Cassandra: Guess we'll see why tonight on patrol.

She turns and leaves.

Y/n: Is she always so... distant.

Stephanie: She's not really a people person.

Y/n: Okay.

Stepahnie: How did Bruce find you?

Y/n: He saved me from my boss in an alleyway.

Stephanie: I was giving him clues on how to find my father.

Y/n: You're Spoiler.

Stephanie: You knew who I was from that?

Y/n: I read a lot of the files on the Bat computer. He leaves our names out. Guess it's probably in case the computer gets hacked.

Stephanie: Sounds like Bruce.

Y/n: Yeah.

Stephanie: I have to go unpack. See you later.

Y/n: See ya.

She leaves too.

Later that night.

I enter the batcave and get in my Robin suit. I walk over to Bruce who is at the computer still in Civilian clothing.

Y/n: Your not coming?

Bruce: I'm going to let You, Spoiler, and Orphan take care of this one.

Y/n: All right, then.

The girls arrive and we go out on patrol. The three of us arrive to a warehouse rumored to be holding drugs. I enter through a hole in the ceiling. There are around twelve guys, four armed.

Y/n: I count twelve people, at least four are armed.

Stephanie: What's the plan?

Y/n: Take out the armed ones first.

We all go above them in the raftors. I use my grappling gun to pull them up and knock them out. I then tie their feet to the raftor and let them hang there. The other two do the same. I silently jump down and knock out the last armed guy.

???: Rob? You there?

Shit. I quickly hide behind a crate. The guy points a flash light at his friend.

???: What the hell?! Guys!

He gets shut up by Orphan gliding in and kicking him.

Y/n: Thanks.

Orphan: No problem. Now fight.

We fight the other eight people. They try to gang up on us but our traoning proves too much for them and we beat them. I open a crate and see a lot of drugs.

Y/n: Oh shit. That's a lot.

Stephanie: Should we burn it?

Y/n: What? No! This stuff is highly flamable.

Oprhan: How do you know?

Y/n: I was street kid. Saw a lot of this and a lot of what it can do. Contact the GCPD and tie them together.

We do that and continue to go on patrol. We arrive at the final crime of the night. There was an assassanation of a guy about to sell out his assosiates to the police. I look around and find nothing on the ground.

Y/n: There's nothing here.

I look up at a roof.

Y/n: unless...

We go to the roof and find a bullet casing. I pick it up and analyze it.

Y/n: This is a unique type of casing.

Spoiler: Deadshot.

Y/n: That's who it looks like. Time to find Floyd.

Orphan: Alfred can you track anything form Deadshot's accounts?

Alfred: A rather large sum of money has just been entered by one Carmine Falcone.

Y/n: Let's pay him a visit then.

We enter the penthouse where Falcone usually conducts his buisness. We enter by breaking the window.

Y/n: Falcone.

Falcone: He sent the kids?

Y/n: I may be a kid but I hit like an adult. Where's Deadshot?

Falcone: Last I heard he was boarding a train to Metropolis.

Y/n: Shit.

Orphan: Let's go.

We quickly get out of there and arrive at the train station. We see him and he tries running.

Y/n: Spoiler, cut him off. Orphan, with me.

We all start chasing him and when he seems like he's going to get away Spoiler tackles him. We then cuff him and he sits on the curb.

Y/n: Floyd. Why do you keep doing this man?

Floyd: I'm good at it and it pays the bills.

I sigh.

Y/n: Look Floyd, you have a daughter. You're not just taking care of yourself.

I sit beside him.

Y/n: You can still change Floyd. For your daughter.

Floyd: You're so damn naive.

The GCPD arrive.

Y/n: Goodbye, Floyd.

Floyd: Mhm.

We go back to Wayne manor. I'm about to get into bed when Bruce walks in.

Bruce: They told me about that talk with Floyd. That's what this job is about. Not beating up criminals, but trying to get them help. Good job.

Y/n: Thanks, Bruce.

Bruce: Goodnight, Y/n.

Y/n: Goodnight, Bruce.

He walks out and I eventually drift off to sleep.

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