Forced Cooperation

396 9 0

July 4th

I'm cleaning the tables in the prison when Waller walks up to me with two other men. Deadshot and Captain Boomerang.

Y/n: I already told you no.

Waller: Frankly, I don't give a damn.

Y/n: What do you want?

Waller: Your cooperation.

Y/n: And if I don't give it?

Waller: I'll make sure you get life.

Y/n: What?! You can't-

Waller: I'll do whatever I damn well please. Now, cooperation?

Y/n: What do I need to do?

Waller: Follow me.

She starts walking away. I sigh and start following.

Y/n: Shit.


I'm lead to a room where they sit me in a chair and inject me with something.

Doctor: What you have been injected with is a nano bomb. With the flick of a switch your head goes boom. Got it?

Y/n: Mhm.

I get up and I am once again lead to another room where the others are. I sit and Waller gives a briefing on what the hell we are doing here.

Waller: Your job this time is to retrieve a briefcase from Black Mask. It contains government secrets, that in the wrong hands, could cause an uprising in this country. Refusal or failure to retrieve the brief case and Black Mask will result in death. Am I clear?

We all stay silent.

Waller: Good. Get geared up.

I make my way to the locker that we are supposed to get our gear from. I open mine and find the Slade apprentice outfit. I sigh and put it on.

Boomerang: Holy shit. We're workin with Deathstroke Junior.

Y/n: Don't you have a kangaroo to fight or something?

???: Sorry I'm late.

Y/n: I know that voice. Why do I know that voice?

Boomerang: Harley?

Y/n: I know that name. Why do I know that name.

I turn around and see Harley Quinn.

Y/n: Shit.

Harley: Somethin' wrong, new guy?

Y/n: No. Nothing at all.

Harley: You sound familiar...

Y/n: I just have one of those voices.

Harley: Alright then.

She goes to get her gear on. This mission better fly by. We get lead to a helicopter. The soldier that was with Waller enters.

Soldier: I'm Colonel Rick Flag. I will be keeping you shit heads in line until this mission is done. If you piss me off, you die. If you piss Waller off, you die. If you do anything I don't find satisfactory, you die.

After his little speech we take off.

Flag: Here's the plan we land on a larger building across from Black Mask's. We zipline through his window and begin breaching and clearing until we find him amd tge briefcase. For evac, we run up to the top of the building where the helicopter will pick us up.

A few minutes later...

We drop from the helicopter and get set up on the roof. I open up a duffle bag that has all the gear I need in it. Throwing stars, grapple gun, and smoke bombs.

Flag: Set up the lines!

We get the lines ready to be fired and aim.

Rick: Wait for the distraction!

A large fire work goes into the sky and makes a long series of loud bangs.

Flag: Now!

We fire the lines and they shoot out. We check them and they all seem tight enough.

Savant: This line doesn't feel to good!

Flag: Shut up and go!

We all start ziplining to the window. I hear a scream and look in it's direction. Savant's line came undone and he falls to the ground.

Y/n: Damn.

We crash through the windows and start looking around for Black Mask and the briefcase.

Flag: Deadshot take some people higher up. I'll take the lower levels.

Deadshot, a few marines, and Harley go higher. Flag, me, and the rest go down. We enter mulitple rooms finding no sign of Black Mask or the case. I enter one last room and find the case.

Y/n: Flag, I got the case.

Flag: Now we just need Black Mask.

Deadshot: He slipped past us he coming your way.

Flag: Everyone hide we'll ambush him the rest of you chase him.

I hide behind a door while the others duck into rooms. We see him running our way. He's about to run past my room but I put my arm out. He runs into it and falls to the ground.

Flag: Cuff him.

A marine that was chasing him cuff him. We make our way up to the top of the building so we can leave. The helicopter lands and we enter. It takes off for the prison. Black Mask starts trying to talk to me.

Black Mask: Whatever they're paying you, I'll double it.

I punch him and slam his head into the wall of the helicopter. He slumps over unconcious. We land and he's taken by some men and we get taken back to our cells to serve the rest of our sentences.

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