A New Member

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I'm now sixteen years old. I've been living with Bruce as Robin for three years and he's encouraging me to make a new identity. I decide on the name Echo. I'm still working on the suit but the others have been helping me, giving feedback and stuff like that.  So far I just have not very decorative design but I have a bat symbol on it.

I also have a new type of cowl. It's made out of the same type of metal of miltary helmets and a bullet proof glass visor that is tinted as to not show my face. I also wear a mask under it in case the glass breaks.

At the moment I'm on a solo patrol while wearing it. I'm following a robber, who is running from the scene when a kid got in his way. He tried to push him but the kid grabs his arm and flips him.

Y/n: What the shit?

The kid then pulls out a sword. I glide down and kick him back before he can do anything.

Y/n: Anyone ever tell you not to play with knives?

He runs up, jumps, kicks me in the face and takes his sword back.

Y/n: So, that's how we're doing things, huh?

He swings at me and move back and kick him. He goes for kick and it hits my leg. I stay standing. He keeps swinging at me with the sword I dodge because I don't want to hurt him, but he lands some slashes and it's making me regret that dicision. I eventually make him drop the sword. I then tied his hand together and hogtied him.

Y/n: What are you doing out here, kid?

Kid: Wouldn't you like to know.

Y/n: Yes. That's why I asked the question now answer.

Kid: I'm looking for my father.

Y/n: And who is that?

Kid: Batman.

I call Bruce.

Y/n: Hey, did you have a night with some warrior lady and odd... 12 years ago?

Bruce: Why?

Y/n: There's a kid here with a sword saying your his dad.

Bruce: I'll be there in five.

I wait for him and when he arrives he unties the kid and tells us both to get in. When we arrive at the Batcave, Alfred starts to stitch me up. Turns out the kid is his.

Talia Al Ghoul had drugged Bruce and slept with him. That got her preganant and the kid was raised by the leauge of Assassins. His name is Damian.

Y/n: You have too many kids, Bruce.

Damian: Who is that?

Bruce: Another one of my children.

Damian: How many do you have?

Bruce: Seven including you.

Y/n: It's gonna turn into a circus here.

I get up and leave. I run into Cass and Steph.

Y/n: Hey.

Cass: What happened to you?

Y/n: Bruce's new ward.

Steph: Wait. What?

Y/n: Yeah. Little shit was gonna kill someone. I stepped in and he slashed me. We got him to calm down and he's in the cave.

Cass: How old is he?

Y/n: Twelve.

Steph: And he's trained with a sword?

Y/n: He was raised by the Leauge of Assassins. Explains the attitude. He's a brat.

Steph: You just met him. Give him a chance.

Y/n: I'll try.


I'm going to do some training in the batcave and see Damian looking at one of the suit stands. I walk over to see him staring at the Robin suit. I walk up to him.

Y/n: He making you join his crusade.

Damian: No. I think it's pointless.

Y/n: Why's that?

Damian: They always come back. The only way to stop them is to kill them.

Y/n: Damian, that's the Leauge talking. Sometimes they finally get it. And they change. I would know.

Damian: How?

Y/n: I was a criminal when I was younger. Bruce saved me, took me in, and made me a Robin. He made me a hero. He'll do the same to you.

I walk away, do my training and back up to the manor. Bruce invited everyone over to meet Damian and that went... well. He acted like he was better than most of us, but you know... he was raised as the grandson of an immortal cult leader. After everyone leaves I head to bed and decide to call it a night.

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