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Dick's POV

Y/n has been gone a whole year. I tried to reach out to him, but I've never been able to reach him. He either doesn't want to see us, or he's dead. We all miss him. He may have killed the Joker, but he had the gas in his system. We all want him back, even Bruce.

There have been reports of Slade and someone else who wears the same colors as him doing hitman work. Bruce and I are able track them down while they are going to get payment. Bruce jumps down and starts fighting Slade while I take care of Slade junior. He fights back against me easily like he knows my move set. He pulls out a knife and begins attacking with that.

Nightwing: Batman, he knows my moves!

Batman: Improvise!

I do what he says and change it up. I eventually get the upper hand knock the knife away. He rushes but I hit with enough force that his mask comes off. When he looks back off I see someone I never would have guessed it to be... it's Y/n.

Nightwing: Y/n?

Batman looks over suprised. Slade hits and they both run off.

A year earlier.

Y/n's pov

I wake up in a hole in the ground. When I look up there is a wooden top to it that resembles prison bars. I look around. It's small with a cot for a bed.

???: Welcome to your new home, Y/n.

I look up. It's Slade.

Slade: You poor thing. Cast out and abandoned by the people you thought you could trust. Well, I can help you. I can build you back up. If only you'll let me.

Y/n: Fuck you.

Slade: Very well. A few days down there might straighten you out.

He walks away leaving me alone. The next few days are hell. He feeds me small meals that couldn't fill a twelve year old's stomach, and the loneliness is killing me. It rains as well, making everything wet and cold.

Slade: Y/n. You ready to play nice yet?

I don't answer.

Slade: Let's try a little longer than.

The days turn to weeks, the weeks to months, the months into a year. He's been taking me out and talking to me. About how it's Batman's fault the Joker killed my parents. He says if Batman had the balls to kill someone they wouldn't have died and I would've been a normal kid with a normal life.

Slade: Y/n.

Y/n: Sir?

Slade: You're ready.

He throws armor and a mask at me.

Slade: Put that on. We have a job to do.

I do as he says and he takes me to the job. It was a hit on a guy who was going to squeal on the mob. Slade beats him and then smashes him through a table. The guy looks up at us in fear. Slade pulls out a revolver and gives it to me.

Slade: Kill him.

Y/n: I- what?

Slade: Kill him.

Y/n: But he hasn't done anything wrong.

Slade: No one is innocent, Y/n. Not you, not me, and not Batman. He has ties to the mob. He may have killed. Take a criminal off the street. Kill him.

I look at the man. He looks at me in fear, his eyes pleading to be saved. I pull the hammer back and look away. I then fire the gun, killing him.

Slade: Well done, Y/n. Let's go home.

We go back to where he was keeping me. I did jobs for him for the next several weeks. We kill, maim, and destroy. And I feel I have to do it. Slade did what he said. He built me back up. I'm as strong as I've ever been and I can only thank him.

Current day

We just ran away from Batman and Nightwing and we are hiding from them.

Slade: They saw your face. They know who you are now.

Y/n: Let them. It won't matter if I plan on taking them down.

Slade: Don't get ahead of yourself. You're only a teenager.

We start walking.

Y/n: I'm seventeen. I'm not a kid anymore.

Slade: You will wait until I say.

Y/n: I don't need you to tell me I'm ready.

Slade: Then you are of no use to me anymore.

He turns around and shoots me in the side. I cover the wound and run. He starts following. I hide behind an air system on the top of a roof while he walks with his gun pointed.

Slade: Y/n, I'm sorry. Just come out. Everything is fine.

I hear his footsteps grow near and I check my wound. He grazed my side but I'm losing blood.

Slade: Where are you, you little shit?

I jump out and push him away from me. I also kick the gun out of his hands.

Y/n: Too many people call me that.

We start fighting. He fights dirty and hits me in my wound. I groan when he kicks my leg and then my side. I end up going down on one knee. I hold my side while Slade pulls out another pistol.

Slade: Goodbye, Y/n.

He gets kicked away by Batman who quickly deals with him before running to me.

Batman: Y/n!

Y/n: I thought you hated me.

Batman: Now's not the time.

He helps me walk to the Batmobile and drives to the cave. We enter the cave where Cass, Steph, Damian, Jason, and Dick are waiting. He takes me over to a bed and calls Alfred over. He stitches me up and says not to strain myself.

Y/n: I thought you hated me.

Bruce: I reacted too harsh. You're not the first to in this family to kill.

Jason: He's right. After I became the Red Hood, I killed so many. But, Bruce helped me see the light again.

Bruce: If you want, you're back in the family.

Y/n: Sounds good to me.

Dick helps me to my room.

Dick: Good to see you back. Night.

Y/n: Night, Dick.

He leaves and I get the rest I need.

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