The End As We Know It (Finale)

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It's been three months since me and Cass started dating. Bruce gathered all of us into the cave for an important meeting.

Bruce: It has come to the Leauge's attention that Earth has become the main target of our deadliest enemy. Darkseid. I'm taking Batwoman, Kate, Jason, Tim, and Steph with me to Apokolips with the rest of the Leauge. I'm leaving Earth in the hands of you and the Teen Titans.

Y/n: Bruce, is it really the best idea to attack him head on?

Bruce: It's one of the best plans we have.

Y/n: If you trust it... so do I.

They get geared up to go to Apokolips.

Bruce: We'll be back before you know it.

Y/n: Stay safe, all of you.

They leave to join the Leauge and we look at the live feed. As they fly on ships things that look like suped up Parademons. They attack the leauge and start ripping through them. On screen we see Tim and Steph get vaporized, Jason get stabbed, and Kate get thrown around like nothing. Bruce, Wonder Woman, Superman, the Flash and Cyborg get captured. The others made it back to Earth. We stare shocked at the screen at the deaths and captures of our family.

Cass: No... Steph.

I hug her as she cries. A few days later those Parademons enter Earth and we start fighting them at the Teen Titans tower. Some of them are killed others are taken. Me and Dick are fighting them but then he is stabbed through the chest. Damian is thrown into the harbor and me, Selina, and Cass escape.

A few years later.

Superman has been going around gathering a team to go back to kill Darkseid. So far he has Raven, a member of the Titans, and John Constantine. I know where Damian has been. He took up position as Demon Head after Ra's Al Ghoul's death.

Superman: Are you sure this is a good idea?

Y/n: He's my little brother.

We are then ambushed by several members of the league of shadows.

Y/n: We just want to talk to Damian!

Damian: Y/n?

He walks out with Lady Shiva.

Cass: Mom?

Me and Damian hug.

Y/n: You've gotten huge little buddy.

Damian: It's good to see you again.

Y/n: How have you been?

Damian: It's been hard.

Y/n: Yeah.

Raven starts to collapse.

Damian: Grab her.

He turns to me.

Damian: Follow me.

We walk with him and we stop in front of a door.

Y/n: Why are we here?

Damian: I need you to see this. I did something horrible.

He slides the slot open and I look in. It seems he put Dick into the pit and he's gone insane.

Y/n: Damian. You said you wouldn't try this.

Damian: I know... but I had to try.

Y/n: It's okay Damian. You just wanted him back.

We walk off.

A few days later.

Superman finally has a team together and we make it to Apokolips. We split off into teams. Superman, Raven and Damian go to fight Darkseid while me, Cass, and Selina sneak off to destroy the power source. When we arrive we see the Flash is powering everything. We are able free him. But the damage is already done. He seems as he is going to die of exhaustion. I hold him up so he can speak.

Flash: Kid, I'm going to do something... you may not like it, but it'll help everything.

He does something and I black out. I wake up what seems like half an hour later later to Cass yelling.

Cass: Y/n, Flash is dead.

Y/n: Shit.

Suddenly, Bruce and Damian run over.

Bruce: Y/n, Cassandra.

Y/n: Bruce!

We all hug eachother.

Bruce: Listen, we need to go. Cyborg is bringing the Parademons back so we can escape.

As we run I see a paradoom rush at us. It goes to stab Cass. I get an adrenaline rush and suddenly everything slows down. I run while everything else is in slow motion. I grab the Paradoom and throw it. I stop and everything goes back to normal speed.

Cass: What was that?

Bruce: We'll talk about later. Let's go.

We finally run through one of the portals and back to Earth. Everyone meets up on a beach a few hours later. Me and Cass are sitting next to eachother. She had her head on my shoulder.

Bruce: The Earth's rotation has been thrown off due to the amount of the core being harvested. Millions will die before we can do anything about it.

Constantine taps my shoulder. I look up at him.

Constantine: Listen, kid. The only way to fix this is to fix the universe.

Y/n: What?

Constantine: Flash could go back in time due to the speedforce. You now have that power since he gave it to you. But doing that means this... all of this will go away.

Cass: Y/n.

Y/n: Cass. Listen, if there is a chance that everything could go back to before Darkseid found Earth. We have to take it. We have to save everyone.

Cass starts to cry and hugs me.

Cass: I love you. In every universe.

Y/n: I love you, too.

Cass: Goodbye.

She let's go and I get ready to run. Before I do Bruce comes up to me.

Bruce: Before you do this I want you to know that I'm proud of the man you have become.

Y/n: Thanks, Dad. For everything.

He nods and walks away. I start running on the water, picking up my pace with every second I enter the past and make sure that Darkseid never found Earth effectivly changing the timeline for the better. I then notice myself fading. Goodbye everyone.

3rd person pov.

As Y/n fades away the universe restarts.

A/n: This is the end of this book but the beginning of a new one. I'm going to make an alternate universe where when Y/n restarted his universe the ripple effect changed who saved him in the Alley. Thank you all for reading, and be ready for my next book on this new universe.

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