Bat Country

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It's been a few days since Ra's braught me back. After I died Ra's took my body and put me in a Lazuras pit. The others found out and rescued me.

Nothing has really changed about me except that I now have a white streak in my hair. I asked the others how it looked. They said it added character. I'm thinking about dying my hair back to it's regular color. They want me to take it easy for the next week because they're not sure how I'll do. Cass and Damian have kept me company. We play cards and watch TV and train together, but I want some real action. So, I've decided to sneak out. I'm just about to go the cave when...

Cass: Where do you think you're going?

Y/n: Uh... no where.

Cass: Mhm...

Y/n: Alright, you got me.

Cass: Listen, if you want to go out, I'll come with.

Y/n: Really?

Cass: Really.

Y/n: Thanks Cass. Your the best.

Cass: I know.

We gear up and head out.

Cass: Feel good to be out again?

Y/n: It does. You have no idea how stiff you get when you die.

Cass: Mmm.

Y/n: Something wrong?

Cass: It was just hard... watching you die. You risked your mind and body to save me. Taking Venom, fighting Deathstroke while wounded. It was hard to see you die.

Y/n: Well, don't have to worry about that anymore. I got better.

Cass: Yeah. You would be the one to stare death right in the face and still have that personality.

Y/n: Yeah.

The police scanner goes off and tells us about a shooting. We quickly make our way over and run through the crowd. I see the shooter and throw a smoke bomb at him. They're blinded so me and Cass rush them and knock them out. We high five at a job well done and tie them up. We quickly leave.

Cass: Not bad.

Y/n: Thanks.

Cass: Thought you would gone soft on me.

Y/n: Me? Never.

The police scanner comes on again about a group of men breaking into a warehouse.

Cass: Alright, let's see if you can keep up.

She runs from rooftop to rooftop with me following behind her. She tries to lose me but I'm too quick. We eventually make it to the warehouse.

Cass: Good job.

Y/n: Thanks.

We sneak into the warehouse and stay hidden. While sneaking around we see three guys trying to break into a crate. I take one out silently while Cass takes the other. Cass and I sneak up behind him. He turns around and looks at us in fear.

???: Uh...

Y/n: Let's cut to the chase. Who you workin for?

He sighs.

???: Slade.

Cass: Thanks.

I knock him out.

Y/n: We gotta find Slade.

Cass: What? No.

Y/n: We can't let him stay out there.

Cass: You couldn't beat him the last time. What do you think is going to happen this time?

Y/n: Cass.

She looks me in the eyes.

Y/n: Please.

She thinks about it for a second.

Cass: Fine. But give it a few days, okay?

Y/n: Okay.

She hugs me and I hug her back. We seperate and begin to drive through the streets again. I'm not over what Slade did. He totured me, brainwashed me, made me attack my friends and family, kidnapped Cass and beat her, and then he killed me. The worst part is we never caught him. He hurt me and my family. That can't go unpunished.

???: Y/n... hey... Y/n!

I snap out of thought.

Y/n: What?

Cass: You okay? You were kind of quiet.

Y/n: Perfectly fine.

Cass: We should head back. Don't want Bruce finding out.

Y/n: Yeah... let's go.

We quickly drive to the enterance of the Batcave and get into what we were wearing before we left. The lights are off in the living room.

Cass: (whispering) I think we're clear.

Then a light clicks on and we see Bruce sitting in a chair.

Bruce: Hey, you two. Where have you been?

Y/n: Around.

Bruce: Where exactly is around?

Cass: The backyard. You know... just... taking in... um... nature.

Bruce: You're an awful liar Cassandra.

Cass: I know.

Bruce: Why don't both of you have a seat, so we can talk.

We sit down.

Bruce: Y/n, you knew you weren't supposed to be out.

Y/n: Bruce, I'm ninteen. I'm old enough to make my own dicisions.

Bruce: You may be ninteen but you have the maturity of a sixteen year old.

Cass feels the conversation is getting heated and tries to calm it down.

Cass: Alright, Bruce, we're sorry. Y/n, let's go.

I wave her off.

Y/n: You can't just put me on the bench!

Bruce: You're damn right I can!

Y/n: What do you have against me? Why can't I go out and make my own dicisions?

Bruce: Because last time you did you died!

The room is silent after that. We all sit there for minute before I get up and grab my jacket and keys.

Cass: Where are you going.

Y/n: I'm going on a drive.

I walk out the door and get in my car. I then floor it out of the Manor gates and into Gotham. I drive for a while, thinking about the arguement with Bruce. I pull into the parking lot of a motel and get a room. I bring in a case that has another suit of mine along with gadgets. I plan on staying here for a bit. It's time for me to start making my own choices. No more Bruce telling what to do or when to do it. From now on Echo works solo.

I enter the room and lay my stuff down. I then decide to get comfortable for the night. I get into bed and go to sleep to get this night over with.

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