Chapter 1: A Fateful Encounter

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"In that fleeting moment, our eyes met, and I felt the beautiful ache of a love I never knew I needed."

Int. Seoul Medical Practice Center

Y/N sat in the quiet corner of the bustling student study area at Seoul Medical Practice Center, her textbooks and notes spread out before her. Her concentration wavered as her phone buzzed insistently, Hyejin's name flashing on the screen.

Hyejin: (concerned) Y/N, you have to be more careful. I heard about the incident last week. It's not safe for you to keep ignoring these warnings.

Y/N: (softly) Hyejin, I appreciate your concern, but I'm okay. It's probably just stress from exams and assignments.

Hyejin: (hesitant) I know you're strong, but promise me you'll stay vigilant. You never know what could happen, especially with everything going on.

Y/N: (reassuring) I promise, Hyejin. I'll keep my eyes open. But seriously, it's not as bad as you think.

Y/N glanced around the medical center, the familiar surroundings of students absorbed in their studies and occasional staff members passing by.

Hyejin: (relenting) Alright, but if anything feels off, promise me you'll call. Your safety is more important than anything else.

Y/N: (smiling) I promise. Thanks for looking out for me, Hyejin. Now, I've got to get back to studying. Talk to you later?

Hyejin: (affectionate) Take care, Y/N. Bye.

Ending the call, Y/N returned her attention to her notes, trying to push aside the concern in Hyejin's voice. She had always been protective, almost like an older sister, especially since they had met in the high school. Y/N sighed, grateful for Hyejin's support but eager to focus on her studies.

Y/N: (thoughtfully) Focus, Y/N. You've got this.

Meanwhile, in a covert location across Seoul...

Jungkook, known in the underworld as JK, sat in a dimly lit room, surrounded by monitors displaying surveillance footage and maps of the city. His expression was as unreadable as ever, his mind focused on the mission at hand.

Jungkook: (stoic, to his team) Any updates on the target?

Taehyung (V): (calmly) Surveillance confirms the target's movements. We're ready to move in when you give the word.

Jungkook: (nodding) Good. Jimin, any obstacles we need to be aware of?

Jimin (Jack): (typing swiftly) Minimal security detail. It should be a straightforward extraction.

Namjoon (Nero): (analyzing data) Jungkook, everything looks clear on the intel front. We should proceed according to plan.

Jungkook nodded, a silent command to his team to prepare for the operation. Despite his polished facade as CEO of Jeon Enterprises, in moments like these, he was the ruthless leader of Eclipse, overseeing operations that kept the underworld in check.

Jungkook: (firmly) Let's move. Stay sharp, everyone.

With a nod from Taehyung, the team dispersed, each member taking their position as they prepared to execute the mission.

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