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Jungkook's POV

The first thing I did when I woke up was reach for her. My hand instinctively patted the empty space next to me as I mumbled in my half-asleep state: "Mon chéri... baby..." But all I felt was cold sheets. Confused, I cracked open one eye and looked over, my brain slowly catching up with reality.

"Where is she?" I grumbled, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. My head was still foggy with sleep, but one thing was clear—Y/N wasn't there. The frustration of not finding her beside me made me throw the covers off and swing my legs over the side of the bed.

"Y/N?" I called, my voice still groggy as I stumbled out of the bedroom, walking toward the stairs. "Y/N!"


I began descending the stairs, skipping a few steps at a time in my urgency, still yelling her name like a madman.

"Y/N?!" I bellowed again, louder this time, my voice echoing through the house.

That's when I heard Grandma's voice from the living room, "Jungkook-ah, why are you screaming so early in the morning?" She looked at me over her newspaper, eyebrows raised in amusement.

Panting slightly, I rushed to her, still in my sleep shirt, hair all over the place. "Where's Y/N? She didn't... leave, did she?" I asked, completely frazzled.

Grandma blinked at me, then sighed with a knowing smile. "Aigoo, that girl is at her own place, remember? You dropped her off after dinner last night."

Oh. Right. I did drop her off last night. She stayed at her place.

I stood there for a moment, staring at the ground as my brain processed the information. "Oh... right..."

Grandma chuckled. "You're getting so used to waking up next to her, you've forgotten what it's like to sleep alone, haven't you?"

I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling my face heat up. "No, I just... forgot."

She shook her head, still laughing. "Maybe you should just bring her home permanently, hmm? Slide a ring on her finger, and you won't have to worry about waking up alone."

I choked at that. "Whoa, whoa, hold up—marriage? That's way too soon!" I waved my hands frantically. "We're not ready for that. We're still... living our lives. No doubt I'll marry her one day, but we're not there yet."

Grandma laughed harder, setting her newspaper aside. "Aigoo, love does strange things to people. Just this morning, you were yelling her name like a lost puppy, and now you're acting all flustered."

Love... yeah, it really does make you a bit crazy. I mean, just because I didn't wake up next to her, I started yelling through the house like some maniac.

With a sigh, I plopped down on the couch next to Grandma, resting my head on her lap. "I'll video call her. I miss her," I muttered.

Grandma gave my hair a playful tug. "Such a lovesick boy."

I pulled out my phone and hit video call, waiting as the ringing sound filled the room. After a few seconds, Y/N's sleepy face appeared on the screen.

Her eyes were barely open as she yawned. "Jungkook, it's early..."

I smiled at the sight of her. "I know, I know. I just... missed you."

Y/N blinked, still half-asleep but clearly amused. "You dropped me off like ten hours ago, Kook."

Grandma, who was watching the whole exchange, burst into laughter. "Y/N-ah, you should've seen him this morning! Running around the house, yelling your name like a madman, checking every room!"

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