CH-46: A Day in Bloom

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"And I'd move heaven and earth just to make her smile."


Two weeks had passed since the incident, and I was finally back to my old self. The wounds had healed, and my strength had returned. But the emotional scars were still fresh. I hadn't seen Soobin since it happened, and honestly, I wasn't ready to face him. 

Not yet. 

Not after everything.

My mansion was quiet today. Only the three workers were around, tending to their duties with a respectful silence that I appreciated. I needed the space to think, to process everything that had transpired.

I walked through the grand halls of my home, each step echoing softly off the marble floors. The mansion felt emptier than usual. It was a strange feeling—being alone yet not lonely. Jungkook had been my constant support, but today, I asked for some time to myself.

My thoughts drifted to Soobin. I knew he was hurting too, but the pain and confusion I felt were too overwhelming to confront him right now. I needed to find my own balance before dealing with that.

I reached the large windows in the living room, gazing out at the vast gardens that stretched before me. The sight was calming, a reminder of simpler times. I took a deep breath, letting the peace of the moment wash over me.

One of the workers, Mrs. Lee, approached quietly. "Miss Y/N, would you like some tea?"

I nodded, offering a small smile. "Yes, please. That would be lovely."

As she retreated to prepare the tea, I sank into the plush couch, closing my eyes for a moment. 

The sound of footsteps approaching brought me back to the present. Mrs. Lee returned with a tray, setting it down gently on the table in front of me. "Here you go, Miss Y/N."

"Thank you, Mrs. Lee," I said, reaching for the cup. The warmth of the tea seeped into my hands, grounding me.

As I sipped the tea, another knock came at the door. Mr. Kim returned, this time holding a bouquet of white roses—my favorite. He handed them to me with a gentle smile.

"These just arrived for you, Miss Y/N."

"Thank you, Mr. Kim," I replied, my curiosity piqued. As I took the bouquet, I noticed a small envelope nestled among the blooms.

I carefully opened the envelope, finding a short letter inside. The handwriting was unmistakable—Jungkook's. 

My heart fluttered as I read his words:

*To my lovely Mon chéri,

I know how much you love handwritten letters, so I wanted to send you something special today. Enclosed with this letter is a date I've prepared for us this evening. I can't wait to spend it with you, making more memories together.

Love ya mon cheri!

Yours forever, Jungkook*

I smiled, feeling a rush of warmth and love. Jungkook always knew how to make me feel special, going out of his way to show his affection in the most thoughtful ways. Since the day he confessed, he had been pampering me endlessly, making every day feel like a celebration.

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