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"If she was with him, the world seemed to shine a little brighter, as if her presence alone illuminated his path with hope and possibility."

[Hello buds!! well this- a funny chapter is all about a proposal of a vacation and how the members keep on getting added to the list of the travellers...and plus someone really unexpected is also coming (Followed by some secret people too which surely gonna cause some kind of scene~) Sooo yeaahhh!! this is gonna be a memorable trip :) enjoy the chapter!! (welp i hope you dont get bored)]


The mansion was filled with the warm glow of the afternoon sun streaming through the windows. In the dining area, Grandma sat with a determined expression on her face, surrounded by The boys for the breakfast as its being served by Celestia- the maid/cook.

Grandma: "Boys, I've been thinking. You all work so hard, and I can see how much it takes out of you. How about a trip to Bora Bora for a break? Just to relax and recharge."

The room fell silent as the boys exchanged glances. The idea of taking a break seemed almost foreign to them.

Jungkook: "Grandma, we appreciate the thought, but our work isn't something we can just take a break from. It's too risky."

Grandma: "I know it's risky, Jungkook, but you all need to take care of yourselves too. This trip could do wonders for you."

Hobi's eyes lit up at the mention of a trip, his excitement barely contained.

Hobi: "Bora Bora sounds amazing! We could really use some time off."

Jimin and Tae quickly joined in, their enthusiasm infectious.

Jimin: "Yeah, I mean, when was the last time we all went on a trip together? It would be so much fun!"

Tae: "Imagine the beaches, the clear blue water, and just relaxing with no worries."

Suga, however, remained skeptical. He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms.

Suga: "I don't know, guys. I'm not really the vacation type. And we have so much work to do."

Grandma: "Oh, come on, Yoongi. Even you need a break sometimes. Think about how much more productive you'll be after some rest."

RM nodded thoughtfully, considering the proposal.

RM: "Grandma has a point. We do need to recharge. It might actually help us handle our work better."

Jin, always the voice of reason, chimed in.

Jin: "If we plan it well, we can make sure everything is covered while we're away. It's not impossible."

Hobi clapped his hands together, practically bouncing in his seat.

Hobi: "I'm in! Come on, Yoongi, it'll be good for us."

Suga sighed, knowing he was outnumbered. He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to find an excuse.

Suga: "Fine, but I'm not participating in any of the water activities. I just want to relax."

Grandma smiled triumphantly, her eyes twinkling with satisfaction.

Grandma: "That's the spirit, Yoongi. Now, let's start planning this trip. You all deserve this break."

As the boys began to discuss the logistics and details of their upcoming trip, the excitement in the room was palpable. Even Suga couldn't help but feel a little anticipation for the much-needed escape from their hectic lives.

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