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Ed motioned for me to bend forward, and I complied, clutching the comforter tightly, bracing myself for what was to come.

"SMACK!" The first strike landed, and I couldn't suppress a sharp gasp. The pain was more intense than I had imagined. Instinctively, my hands reached back to rub the spot, but Ed swiftly held and pinned them over my back.

"Do you want me to call Sam or Dan to hold you? Your knuckles will hurt more," Ed threatened, emphasizing the severity of my situation.

"I SMACK gave SMACK you SMACK so SMACK many SMACK chances SMACK, and SMACK yet SMACK you SMACK are SMACK being SMACK a SMACK rebel?" Each word was punctuated with a forceful smack on my backside.

"Oh, my Gawdd... Ed, please stop. I can't take more..." I pleaded, my leg involuntarily jerking as the stinging sensation intensified.

"And SMACK how SMACK many SMACK times SMACK I SMACK have SMACK told SMACK you SMACK to SMACK stay SMACK away SMACK from SMACK Victoria? Do SMACK I SMACK need SMACK to SMACK tell SMACK you SMACK every SMACK single SMACK day? Answer me, young lady SMACK!" Ed's voice thundered with strict authority.

"Yes, sir. I am so sorry. Please let go of me," I begged, desperate for the ordeal to end.

His final SMACK brought a sense of reality, a painful acknowledgment that I was still tethered to the consequences of my actions. The room echoed with the weight of discipline, a stark reminder that boundaries existed for a reason. As Ed released my hands, I remained bent over the bed, tears streaming down my face, the stinging pain a tangible reminder of the price I paid for my rebellion.

His last smack brought a stark realization - I was still surviving, here in the world. In my current state, I couldn't fathom answering any questions. A crying mess, running out of breath, and sobbing uncontrollably, I was in no condition for dialogue.

Ed, surprisingly gentle now, began drawing a circle over my back, offering comfort. He patiently waited, giving me enough time to collect myself.

"Stand up," he finally instructed.

"Sor- rhy, sorry Ed," I stammered, still trembling from the experience.

"It's okay. You are forgiven. Drink some water," he said, recognizing the toll the sobbing must have taken on my throat. A glass sat conveniently beside my bed, and I sipped the water he offered.

"Now, I want you to answer a few questions," Ed continued, his tone more measured.

I nodded, ready to comply.

"Words, Evelyn."

"Yes, sir."

"Do you think Sam needs your permission to take you out?"

I hesitated, unsure of the answer.

"I can't ask you to speak every time. If you don't want to bend over my knee again, please volunteer yourself."

"No, but I think in the medical field, he can't do anything without my consent."

"Yes, you are partly right and partly wrong. He can't do anything without your guardian's permission. Since you aren't an adult yet. And I gave him consent, and above all, he is your guardian too. If we both agree that you need medical care, that's it. It's not open for discussion. Do you understand my point?"

"Yes, sir."

"Now, care to explain why you are still in touch with Victoria."

Panic seized me. Revealing the party Victoria planned before school opened could jeopardize my chances of attending. What could I say?

The Diary of Evergreen Evelyn Where stories live. Discover now