_Special chapter_

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Evan approached Cece. As he was about to knock the door, he thought twice: should he wake her up or not? Later, he chose to rouse her as he knocked on the door. After some time, a groggy Cece opened the door.

With six months into her pregnancy, Cece easily tired. Her movements were slow, and a strict routine governed her actions under the watchful eye of her husband, Sam, who tolerated no carelessness. As Cece rubbed her eyes, trying to shake off the sleep, Evan wasted no time sharing the urgent news.

"Eve went to Victoria's for a party. Supposed to be back by 3 am, but it's past that, and she's not home yet. Sam and Ed are due by 5 am, and I'm really scared, remembering what happened last time," Evan explained with a sense of urgency.

Cece's tired eyes widened with concern. "Why didn't she tell me she was going out?" she asked, her maternal instincts kicking in.

Evan, sensing the gravity of the situation, responded quickly, "I don't know, Cece. I tried calling her, but she's not picking up. We need to check on her."

With a determined nod, Cece motioned Evan inside, closing the door behind them. "When did she leave?" she inquired, her worry deepening.

Evan sighed, "I'm not sure about the exact time, but it was in the night. She was supposed to be back by now."

Cece's mind raced as she processed the information. "Okay, let me call her. Maybe she lost her phone or something," she suggested, grabbing her phone.

Evan nodded, a sense of urgency hanging in the air. Cece, with her 24 weeks baby bump visible, dialed Eve's number, but the call went unanswered. Frustration and worry etched lines on Cece's face. "She's not picking up."

Evan paced anxiously, running a hand through his hair. "This is not good, Cece. I'm really worried."

Cece, now fully aware of the gravity of the situation, took charge. "Alright, I'll go check on her. But, Evan, if Sam finds out I drove at night in this condition, he'll have my head. Do you have Victoria's number?"

Evan reassured her, "Sam or Ed have it. You wait here; I'll go to Victoria's and check."

As Evan rushed to leave, Cece couldn't shake off her concern. The thought of facing Sam's wrath haunted her, but her maternal instincts prevailed. She took a deep breath, grabbing her coat and keys, making a firm decision. "No, Evan, I'll go. You stay here."

Evan hesitated, torn between worrying about Eve and Cece's well-being. "Are you sure, Cece? It's really late, and you're not feeling well."

Cece, with determination in her eyes, gave him a reassuring look. "I can't risk Sam finding out I let you go alone. Besides, I can handle it. Just give me Victoria's address."

Cece couldn't help but question Evan about how Eve managed to leave without anyone noticing.

"Evan, how did Eve get out without permission from your brother and the security guard at the gate?" Cece inquired, concern etching her features.

Evan, feeling a mix of guilt and urgency, admitted, "She used the backside and a stool to climb over the gate."

Cece's eyes widened in disbelief. "But Evan, I can't go out! The security will call your brother, and Sam will kill me if he finds out about any of this," she protested, her worry escalating.

Evan, determined to resolve the situation, reassured her, "I'll distract the guard."

Cece, with a furrowed brow, asked, "Even if you distract the guard, what if the security cameras catch me leaving? Sam won't forgive us."

Evan, thinking on his feet, replied, "If there isn't any problem, nobody is going to check the camera. Please, don't waste time now. I'll go inform the guard that I heard someone on the west gate. Please go quickly."

Cece hesitated, aware of the risks involved. "Evan, are you sure about this?"

Evan nodded, his expression conveying a sense of urgency. "I'll handle the guard. You go to Victoria's and check on Eve. We need to make sure she's safe."

With a nod, Cece grabbed her coat, her baby bump prominent, and headed towards the door. "Please be careful, Evan," she urged before slipping into the night.

Evan, now tasked with diverting the guard's attention, hurriedly made his way to the front gate. The security guard, stationed diligently, looked up as Evan approached.

"Hey, did you hear that?" Evan pointed towards the west gate, his voice tense.

The security guard, cautious, asked, "What did you hear?"

Evan, thinking on his feet, fabricated a story. "I thought I heard someone trying to climb over the gate. You might want to check it out."

Concern creased the guard's forehead as he grabbed a flashlight and headed towards the west gate. Meanwhile, Cece, with a mix of determination and worry, starts the engine of the car.

Evan, successfully diverting the guard's attention, returned to the house with a sense of relief. He dialed Cece, eager for an update.

"Cece, did you make it ? Is Eve okay?" Evan asked, his concern evident.

Cece's voice crackled through the phone, "shhh she is okay trust me. Thank you for distracting the guard. Go to your room. Dont wake Dan or liam please."

As Cece arrived at Victoria's house, the pulsating beats of music and the lively atmosphere engulfed her. A throng of people danced and drank, and as she pushed her way through the crowd, all eyes turned toward her. She walked into the room and discovered Eve engrossed in card games and drinks with her boyfriend and some other girls.

"Are you drunk?" Cece asked, her tone laced with anger.

"No, no, Cece, I'm not. Come on, play one round with us," Eve insisted, attempting to downplay the situation.

"Shut up, get up. Let's go back before your brothers find out and kill both of us," Cece retorted, her frustration evident.

Realizing the gravity of her actions, Eve reluctantly followed Cece, and they settled into their respective seats in the car. Cece, with a stern expression, instructed, "Put on your seatbelt, Eve."

Cece started the engine, the air inside the car thick with tension. Cece couldn't hold back her scolding, her voice rising as she spoke. Cece huffed from the physical stress and then, as if feeling a sudden rush of guilt, she gently touched her baby bump.

"Sorry, baby. Mumma woke you up. Forgive mumma," Cece whispered, her eyes filled with a mix of worry and remorse. She then shifted her gaze to Eve and questioned, "Eve, why did you do this?"

Suddenly, Eve shouted, "CECE!"

Startled, Cece looked forward just in time to see a car approaching at a dangerously high speed. The collision was inevitable, and in an instant, everything went black.


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