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Author's Note: This is the lengthiest chapter so far, with a word count of 2964! Immerse yourself in their emotional journey of Cecelia and Sam. If you like this chapter, please take a moment to vote.  Your support is truly appreciated. Happy reading!


The air in James' office felt heavy as he addressed Cecelia, "Hey Cece, can you wait outside? We need to talk about something."

Sam gestured for her to step out, a subtle signal for her to give them privacy. As Cecelia left, James handed Sam the report containing crucial information about her health.

"Look at her report. I don't know how you're going to manage, but she has iron and vitamin deficiency. Put her on a thorough diet plan," James informed Sam with a serious tone.

Sam looked through the reports, tension evident in his expression. "Give me the prescription, and I will plan her diet, James. Don't worry. We're in this together, and I'll make sure she gets the best care."

James handed Sam the prescription, cautioning, "It's going to be difficult, Sam, but you know how to handle it."

As their conversation ended, Sam approached the exit, the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. James called out one more piece of crucial advice, "Listen, Sam, a TT shot."

Sam pressed the bridge of his nose, a sign of exasperation. "You could have done that here, right? Anyway, I'll manage."

"And also, Sam, I suggest putting Cece on Iron infusion. It will help, I guess," James added.

"Sure, I will think about it," Sam responded, absorbing the additional information. The complexity of Cecelia's health situation unfolded before him, and he felt the weight of the decisions he had to make.

Leaving the doctor's office, Sam met an anxious Cecelia waiting outside. He offered a comforting smile, "All is well, my wifey. Let's go home."

As they approached home, Sam couldn't shake off the gravity of the situation. Cecelia, unaware of the discussions between Sam and James, looked at him with concern. "What did James say?"

"It's not about you. You just calm down, okay ?" Sam reassured.

Sam led Cecelia into their room, the soft glow of dimmed lights creating a warm and intimate atmosphere. The room was adorned with gentle hues, and a hint of lavender scented the air. Sam, ever attentive to detail, wanted this moment to be a soothing escape for both of them.

Cecelia looked around, a smile playing on her lips as she appreciated the effort Sam had put into creating a serene space. "Sam, this is beautiful. Thank you for making everything feel so special."

Sam grinned, his eyes reflecting genuine affection. "You deserve every bit of it, Cece. Tonight is about us, about our journey together."

He guided her to a cozy corner where a soft blanket was spread over a pile of cushions. The room echoed with a playlist of their favorite songs, a gentle melody weaving through the air.

As they settled onto the cushions, Sam took Cecelia's hands in his, their fingers entwining. They exchanged a silent glance, a shared understanding of the love and connection they had built over the years.

"Cecelia," Sam began, his voice soft, "I want you to know how much you mean to me. These past weeks have been challenging, but facing them with you has made everything worthwhile."

Cecelia's eyes sparkled with emotion as she listened to Sam's heartfelt words. "You've been my rock. I couldn't have asked for a better partner to go through this journey with."

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