Guiding Shadows of Responsibility

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Ed: "You feeling tired?"

Me: "Yes," I replied, the weight of the day evident in my voice.

Ed: "Then go change and meet me in my office. You have 15 minutes."

Nodding, I headed to my room, wondering about the impending conversation with Ed.

After a quick change, I nervously knocked on Ed's office door.

Ed: "Come in."

Me: "You wanted to see me?"

Ed: "Sit down. I heard about your math class today. What happened?"

I hesitated before explaining the events, expecting a scolding.

Ed: "Well, everyone has their off days. I talked to the professor. He mentioned you're working on it."

Me, surprised: "You talked to the professor?"

Ed: "Of course. I want to make sure my little sister is doing well."

Relieved, I realized Ed's concern surpassed his usual teasing, making the day's challenges a bit more bearable.

As I nervously settled into Ed's office, he began outlining a strict routine for our study sessions.

Ed: "From now onwards, we're sitting together from 8:30 pm to 10:30 pm every day after dinner. You'll have classes with me every day except Wednesday. Wednesday will be reserved for your weekly tests. I want you to focus on your schoolwork daily. I'll be checking your classwork and homework every day, including math and physics."

My eyes widened at the prospect of such a demanding schedule. Not again, I thought.

Me: "Ed, that's quite intense. I have other subjects to focus on too."

Ed: "This is non-negotiable, Eve. Your grades need improvement."

Me, sighing: "Alright, but can we have a little flexibility?"

Ed, sternly: "This is for your good. No compromises."

The weight of his expectations settled in, and I reluctantly agreed to the rigorous routine.

Ed: "And as for your other subjects, make a routine. If you want, I can help you, but I will not make it for you. Create one, and then, if you wish, I can take a look at it. I want you to learn to make schedules for your day."

Sitting at my desk, I began drafting a plan, taking into account the various subjects demanding attention. The clock ticked away as I struggled to organize my time effectively.

Ed's words echoed in my mind: "Learn to make schedules of your day." It was a lesson in discipline and time management that extended beyond academics.

After crafting what I deemed a reasonable schedule, I presented it to Ed for approval. He glanced over it, his expression revealing a mixture of scrutiny and satisfaction.

Ed: "This is a good start. Stick to it, and we'll reassess in a week."

I nodded, appreciating his guidance and determination to instill responsibility.

Ed: "Now, go back to your room and start studying."

Taking a quick 30-minute rest turned into a nap while scrolling through Instagram. Sometimes a short break leads to unexpected relaxation.

Suddenly, a firm jerk interrupted my unintended nap. I groggily opened my eyes to find Sam standing there, an impatient expression on his face.

Sam: "Get up, Eve. You're supposed to be studying."

I fumbled to retrieve my blanket, still half-asleep and disoriented.

Sam's patience wore thin as he scolded me sternly.

Sam: "This isn't the time for napping. We're expecting you to take your academics seriously."

Feeling the weight of his disapproval, I sighed, attempting to shake off the remnants of sleep.

Sam, a little more forcefully: "Come on, get up. You can't afford to waste time like this."

With a sigh, I reluctantly got to my feet, realizing that my nap had not gone unnoticed or unpunished.

Sam, with a firm smack on the back: "Now, downstairs for dinner. Don't keep everyone waiting."

Dinner? Oh my God, I slept that long!

His actions, though strict, carried an undertone of concern for my academic responsibilities. As I trudged downstairs, the scolding lingered in my mind, a reminder that discipline and dedication were non-negotiable in the pursuit of success. Little did I know that within these moments of reprimand, my brothers were shaping not only my study habits but also instilling values that would guide me in the journey ahead.

Descending the stairs, I sensed an unusual tension in the air. As I entered the dining room, it became apparent that everyone was waiting, and the atmosphere was notably serious. Taking my cue from Ed's directive, I quietly took my seat.

Ed, with a stern yet composed demeanor, motioned for me to sit.

As I settled, Sam cleared his throat, signaling that he had something important to share.

Sam: "So, everyone, I have something to inform all of you."

The gravity in his tone caught everyone's attention, and a hushed silence fell over the room. I exchanged glances with my brothers, uncertain of what news Sam was about to unveil.


A/N:- brnnbtsloverr and Karinas89
A special thanks to you. You are the shining light at the end of my creative tunnel. Your support is a beacon guiding me through the intricate corridors of storytelling. I extend my gratitude and send you my love. May these narratives bring you joy, moments of reflection, and a profound sense of connection. Enjoy the journey, and thank you for being an integral part of it.

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