_Special chapter 5_

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Long Chapter Alert Word Count: 3150 ⚠️

Author's Note: This chapter is the longest in the book, and it holds a special place in my heart🫀. Writing it was a journey through deep emotions and pivotal moments for the characters. Please take your time to read through it, and I would love to hear your thoughts 🥰 and feelings 🥰 about it afterward. Thank you for joining me on this journey.

Ed's stern gaze bore into Evan as he issued a command, "Go to your room." Evan, sensing the gravity of the situation, obeyed without uttering a word. As he left, he caught fragments of a conversation between Ed and Liam, shedding light on the aftermath of the night's tragic events.

"Sam is devastated about this miscarriage," Ed's voice carried a somber tone, hinting at the emotional turmoil within the family. Evan's heart sank as he realized the magnitude of their actions. The news of the miscarriage had hit Sam hard, and Evan knew that facing him would be an ordeal beyond comprehension.

Ed continued, "Eve hasn't regained consciousness till now. Sam is livid. If he had to deal with these people, he would have committed a murder." Evan felt a chill down his spine. The severity of the consequences began to unfold before him. Sam's anger was not something to be taken lightly, especially in the wake of such a devastating loss.

Evan's mind raced back to Cece's warning. She had explicitly mentioned that if Sam discovered their secret, he would be capable of severe repercussions. The memory of Cece's words echoed in Evan's mind, "If Sam finds out, he will have my head." The weight of those words now bore down on him like an impending doom.

With a dry throat and a sense of impending dread, Evan hurried to his room. The atmosphere within the house was charged with tension and sorrow. He knew that waiting for Ed's judgment was akin to waiting for his own execution. The silence in his room mirrored the turmoil within him, a quiet before the storm that would inevitably sweep through their lives.

As he waited, Evan pondered the choices that led to this moment. The reckless decision to cover up their actions, the breach of trust, and the unfolding tragedy were a testament to the consequences of their misguided actions. The air in his room felt heavy, laden with guilt and the anticipation of what was to come.

Minutes felt like an eternity as Evan grappled with the reality of their choices. The fear of Sam's wrath, coupled with the weight of responsibility for the unfolding tragedy, gnawed at him. His mind replayed the events leading to this point, each decision now appearing more consequential than ever.

In the confines of his room, Evan braced himself for the inevitable reckoning. The consequences of their actions were about to be laid bare, and the once seemingly invincible walls of their secrets were crumbling, exposing the vulnerability beneath. The stillness in the air mirrored the storm brewing outside, reflecting the turbulent path that awaited the family in the aftermath of this fateful night.

Ed's demeanor exuded an aura of simmering anger as he entered Evan's room. The usually composed and stoic man now wore a stone face that hinted at the storm raging within. The lines on his forehead etched deeper, and his eyes, once calm, burned with an intensity that spoke of profound displeasure.

Dressed impeccably in an Armani suit, the fine craftsmanship accentuated his tall and commanding presence. The severity of the situation seemed to magnify in the contrast between the refined tailoring of his suit and the unyielding expression on his face. Every step Ed took echoed with a quiet but palpable tension, setting the tone for the confrontation that was about to unfold.

In his right hand, Ed clenched a whip—an ominous sign of the severity of the discipline he was prepared to impart. The whip, a symbol of authority and control, hung ominously by his side. Its mere presence heightened the gravity of the moment, and the cold metal seemed to reflect the stern resolve in Ed's eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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