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It's a beautiful thing when two strangers meet and something forms between them, something lasting and true. A bond where you can rely on the other, a bond that includes many things such things like laughter, tears, and memories. 

There are friends. There is family and then there are friends that become family.

Today is September 25.

Aaron and I created a small friendship. He helps me with school and sometimes visits me after school. I would be lying if I said I don't like him.

But I have noticed something.

When Aaron comes over and Roxanna is also there, Roxanna leaves. 

I thought they were friends.

"What is happening between you and Roxanna?" I ask him in sign language.


"Then why does she leave when you come over?"

"She just doesn't like me, a lot."

I don't believe him. But I nod my head anyway.

"So how was your day?" He asks me.

"It is kind of better than you are here."

He grins. "Really?"


"I am glad, you know. Is there anything that bothers you?"

"Why are you acting like a therapist?"

"Because you need one?"

"You are really extroverted."

"I know. And you are telling me? I know myself better than anyone."

"Everybody knows themselves better than anyone."

"You don't."

"Excuse me?"

"You don't seem to know yourself a lot. You just know a cat and me."

"And Roxanna."

"Doesn't matter. What I'm saying is that you aren't trying to know yourself better. You don't know yourself and you aren't even trying."


"I am the liar?"



"Look, I am not a liar and I never was. And I will never be one. I know myself very well."

"Then, why? Just answer my question, Nyla. Why are you making no effort? Why aren't you trying to make new friends? Why don't you trust yourself?"

"I do trust myself."

"Don't change the topic."

"I don't. Plus, it is not my fault people don't want to be friends with me."

"Because you are giving them no chance."

"Let's say I don't. Then why do I get bullied? Is it my fault that I am deaf and an orphan? Is it my fault that my parents are dead?"

"I never said that."

"You kind of did."

"It is not your fault, Nyla. You were just a child when your parents died. You were born deaf, like you told me."

"I never told you."

"Stop saying that! It is hard to find the right words, alright? I am not good in sign language."

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