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Aaron cried in anger that day when we went home. He was really angry. He tried to control himself because I was there but he failed. I wanted to help him, but he refused. He told me to go away because he didn't want to hurt me with his words. I clearly understand that. Sometimes, you just can't control yourself because you are angry and you say things you don't mean to. 

"Aaron, please calm down..."

"Nyla, leave me alone. I don't want to take my anger out on you so please go away. I mean it."

"I can't. I don't feel comfortable doing that, please."

"Nyla. I said go."


"Nyla, I will not repeat again. Stop bothering me for once. Go away."

I stare at him. I can feel it happening. I know I have to go before we start fighting and I lose him forever.

Go, Nyla. Leave him alone.

Go, Nyla. Leave him alone.

'Should I?'

Listen to me, Nyla. I know everything.

Listen to me, Nyla. I know everything.

'But how? Who are you?'




Go to your room. Now.

Go to your room. Now.

I do what she says and I go to my room. I don't know what is happening and I don't like this Maya girl.

So, you don't like me?

'How do you know what? What is happening?'

Calm down. I'm Maya.

'I know who you are, like your name.'

No, you don't. You really believe those stories your Mother Giselle told you?

'What? No. Go away. Are you in my head? Get out of my head.'

Nyla, listen.

'Get out of my head!'

Nyla! Listen! You are dying! You are killing yourself! Stop being stubborn! Don't you realise, Apple? 

'Apple? How do you know Apple? Who are you? What are you?'



                              DIDDEEE YO OOO OOO O OO  O OO O OO OOOO

                                                                                                                       OOU UU UU UU U UUU U UUU U RR HHH H HH HHH HHEEEEE EEAA AAADD DDD  

"Nyla! Nyla! CALM DOWN! NYLA!" I feel someone holding my shoulder and my leg. They are screaming.

"She is shaking. Call 911! It could be a seizure." 

"Gosh! Mina! Do something!"

'I'm fine!' I say.

"Where is your phone? Aaron, where is your phone?" Mina shouts.

"On- on the counter! Be fast!" Aaron yells. I feel his hand holding my wrist and checking my pulse. His other hand is holding my forehead now and stroking my hair. "Nyla... please wake up..."

'I'm awake!' I say.

They can't hear you.

'What? What have you done?'

I told you, Nyla. From the very beginning. I gave you warnings. You are not okay. Did you listen?



'What does he have to do with that? Leave him alone!'

Nyla! Listen for one second! 

'What are you?!'



                                                       DIDDEEE YO OOO OOO O OO O OO O OO OOOO

                                                                                                                                                     OOU UU UU UU U UUU U UUU U RR 


"Daddy! Look what I found!" Nyla holds a broken piece of glass in her small hands. She is a toddler. Her hair is curly and short. Her eyes are Hazel, just like the woman who is standing next to the man she is talking to.

"Hey hey hey! Put that down, Apple. You'll cut yourself." The man says in a concerned tone.

"Oops, sorry. But it looks pretty. Like Ella."

"Ella is a cat, sweetheart." The woman says.

"But mama, cats are pretty."

"Yes, they are. But you are prettier."

Nyla giggles and she jumps. After that, she lies down on the grass and looks at the sky. The man and the woman look at each other while smiling and then the man picks up Nyla and holds her in his arms.

"Apple, why don't you go to bed?"

"Why would I?  You and mama don't."

"Mama and I have some business to do and you must sleep."

"You heard dad, Nyla. Go to sleep." Says the 9 year old girl who is sitting on the sunbed.

"No! Why don't you go? Why do you want me to go to bed? And Maya, shouldn't you be in bed too?" Nyla says.

"Nyla, you are 3." The woman says.

"I'm not stupid."

"You are a baby." says Maya.

"Nope, I'm a toddler!"

"Alright, Apple. Bedtime." The man says and walks away with Nyla in his arms.

"Nooooo! Maya! Save me!!!"

That night, Nyla woke up to the voice of a woman's screaming and sobbing. She got out from her crib and went to the room where the sounds were coming from. It was Maya's room. She walked there and stood on the door.

"Mama? Dada?"

The man and the woman quickly turned their heads. There were more people. There were people wearing police and doctor uniforms. The man quickly got up and approached Nyla, blocking her from looking at Maya's bed. 

"Apple, why are you awake?" The man asks.

"Daddy, why is mama crying?" Nyla replies.

"Mama had a nightmare, sweetheart... let's take you to bed, alright?"

Nyla nods. She opens her arms and the man picks her up and takes her back to her room. He places her on her crib and smiles at her. The smile doesn't look real at all.

"Good night, sweetheart." He says and closes the door after he leaves.

Do you remember me now, Nyla?

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